Friday, February 20, 2009

The "Evidence" Used By Bush To Rape The World Was Flimsier Than Proof Declared Unusable In The Phelps Case

February 21, 2009

Letters to the Editor

Dear sirs:

A fundamental characteristic of deceit is the attempt to create an alternate reality, universally and solely favorable to your petty, personal profit. But reality is a big thing, and no system of lies has ever succeeded in meeting all the requirements, from statements agreeing with the world around you to statements even agreeing with each other. For this reason, hyposcrisy is one of the most definite demonstrations of the presence of fraud.

If anything has typified American government in at least the recent past, even before George W. Bush, it is hypocrisy. For decades now, the fundamental tenet of official American national policy has been "It's okay for us and our cronies to do this, but not for you!" Bush denounced Saddam Husein saying you can't trust a government that doesn't operate in the open, yet his White House established the gold standard for concealment of operations. Bush condemned Hussein for supposedly putting out a contract on George H.W. Bush's head, yet Bush's own press secretary, Ari Fleischer, exhorted the Iraqi people that they could avoid an invasion at "the price of just one bullet". The U.S. invaded Iraq even though Iraq had not raised a finger against us, yet Washington condemned Russia for moving troops into South Ossetia, at the invitation of South Ossetia's leaders and population. For that matter, Bush and administrations at least as far back as Carter have "justified" America's personally catastrophic policy of support for Israel's "right to exist", yet the U.S. launched operations devoted to annihilating the USSR and Yugoslavia, and declared baldly that the people of South Ossetia didn't have a right to a separate nation. If it meant the oil companies having to pay more for the massive oil pipeline through their borders, that is! Pakistan engaged in what Washington depicted as constant accommodation with the Taliban, and now even ceded complete control of a portion of the nation to Taliban, yet Washington continues to term Pakistan an "ally" in the "war on 'terror'". Washington condemned Russia’s system of gulags, yet set up Guantanamo and the network of secret CIA prisons criminally operating on other soils. They denounced Iran sending “foreign fighters” into Iraq trying to “gain influence in the area”, yet carefully avoided the fact that that is precisely what the Allied forces in Iraq constitute! Washington has utterly ravaged the U.S.’s reputation worldwide by its insistence that “Israel has a right to exist”, yet they opposed South Ossetia trying for independence, they cheered the balkanizing of Yugoslavia and they conspired criminally in the evaporating of the Soviet Union!

In other words, “Don’t do as I do, do as I say!”

And there is an entire syphilitic sub-species of Americans who champion this God-hating mentality!

Now, another demonstration of the all but utter ubiquity of hypocrisy in "official" American business arises. Gold medal swimmer Michael Phelps was recently photographed taking a hit from a marijuana pipe at a party. When the photo was revealed, he even went so far as to lament his "inappropriate behavior". But now, after being properly bribed, Richland County, South Caroline, "Sheriff" Leon Lott has declared there is not enough evidence of a crime to charge Phelps! Of the photograph, Lott bleats that it doesn't actually prove he inhaled! Of his admission to "inappropriate behavior", Lott took it on himself to unethically and even illegally act as Phelps attorney by insisting that "he meant going to a party was inappropriate behavior"!

If a lot of facets in this event sound familiar, it's because they are.

Richard Quest, corporate apologist for CNN, was found in possession of crystal meth in 2008, for example, but was given only a six month "rehabilitation program", as opposed to the multi-year hard sentence those without money and commercial exposure and power would get! All the evidence pointed to personal involvement or complicity in murder by individuals from O.J. Simpson to the Ramseys to Robert Blake, but, to a one, they all escaped the penalties of the law!

On the other hand, though, those without fame or money or even just connections to local law enforcement or evidence of criminal activity by local officials end up sentenced on even the most specious of evidence.

A photograph is not enough to charge Phelps. But consider that the only "evidence" the government has ever offered that "al Qaeda" operatives were involved in the event of September 11 was a grainy airport film showing individuals who have heights and builds only somewhat similar to the individuals charged entering the planes purportedly involved in the events of that day! The government quickly glosses over the fact that the faces of the individuals seen entering the planes don't resemble the "terrorists" by claiming they were wearing masks. They have no evidence of masks at the crash site, but they insist that you believe that they were wearing them! The only other piece of "evidence" is that the wallet of one, Mohammed Atta, was claimed to have been found sitting on a lump of rubble at the site. He was presumably in the plane when it crashed. And, supposedly, his remains were in the fires that resulted that were claimed to be hot enough to melt steel. And yet we are ordered to believe the wallet and his identification card were never burned! And then, we are instructed to accept that, when the building collapsed, his wallet "just happened" to end up sitting neatly right on top of a piece of the structure! And, of course, the authorities also require you to pay no attention to the fact that Atta was actually spotted numerous times in Europe after September 11! A film of men that looked nothing like the "terrorists" and a non-credibly preserved wallet are enough to "prove" they were involved in September 11, but a photograph and a confession are not enough to convict Phelps of drug abuse!

And the invasion of Iraq was based on apparently scripted “confessions” by a mental patient tellingly nicknamed “Curveball”, some entirely unsupported fictional “renderings” of likely laughably undersized “chemical tanks” squeezed inside normal sized trailers, and the fact that a wall separating two parts of a grain processing plant was found by satellite to have been removed!

The normal course of human history has been intercepted and inextricably twisted, hundreds of trillions of dollars were stolen by Dick Cheney’s gang, and thousands of Americans youth were blown to pieces on the basis of evidence which is even flimsier than evidence that couldn’t be used to convict Michael Phelps of drug abuse!

If this all bears a resemblance to other incidents in the recent past, consider, for example, the fate of Jessica Lunsford. Flying in the face of the all but constant fact that most assaults on girl children are by male family members, the standard reaction throughout the recent spate of child deaths in Florida, the police predictably decided Jessica’s father must not be suspected of killing her and, instead, set their sights on the nearest defenseless, mentally incompetent, four time loser. In this case, John Evander Couey. Jessica’s father shed less tears than Susan Smith, and even wore dark glasses during every interview so you couldn’t see he wasn’t crying! But the police decided to ignore the fact that “the intruder who took Jessica out of the house in the middle of the night” entered through a door that conveniently wasn’t locked! They paid no attention to the fact that the family’s dog never made a sound, something even family members had to admit was “something they could never explain”! They dutifully gave no weight to the fact that “the intruder” somehow induced Jessica to leave the house barefoot, although she never went out without her shoes! They even went so far as to dismiss the fact that their bloodhounds had come so close to Couey’s trailer, only 150 yards from Jessica’s house, as to “frighten him into burying her”, but they never caught scent of her! Instead, they based their entire “case” on the fact that a couple of Jessica’s fingerprints were found in Couey’s house! The “only explanation”, they lied, was that he had abducted her and killed her!

In fact, with today’s depraved and deviate “justice” system, you can commit the “perfect murder”, just make sure you’re rich, politically connected, or a drug courier for the local sheriff’s office cokeheads! If you’re not, the “police” aren’t above claiming the fact that you sneezed was “proof positive” of your guilt!

There will be no decency unless Michael Phelps is charged with drug abuse and “Sheriff” Lott is removed from office and charged with abuse of his position. It’s unlikely, though, with the attention, that Kellogg’s will renew their contract with Phelps. If they do, though, decency demands that you both denounce them and refuse to purchase any of their products. Under any circumstance, South Carolina, that state that issued the edict that being rich or famous automatically makes you innocent of any wrongdoing, must know of public displeasure at this miscarriage. People must refuse to vacation there or purchase anything that comes from there. Not that it wouldn’t be a bad idea to stay out of South Carolina altogether. Because it has been too many times now that too many people have gloated that they could do anything they want because God doesn’t take a hand in human affairs! In fact, God is furious at the United States and is in the process of descending to execute punishment, in ways that will never be mistaken for the actions of man. South Carolina will be assaulted with massive storms, the likes of which have never been seen before, for weeks on end. Thousands of strokes of lightning per second will scourge the state. Four feet of hail will bury it. Unprecedented winds will topple the tallest buildings. And, finally, the entire state will collapse into a sinkhole a thousand feet deep and the ocean will rush in, forever altering America’s coastline. God will decide when He wants to do that, but it will come, and if the guilty decide to wait to try to make amends until after it has begun, it will only make Him all the angrier!

Before ignoring this, consider that tornadoes are ripping entire towns off the face of the earth; hurricanes are destroying whole states; sinkholes have already swallowed whole neighborhoods; earthquakes are occurring in places they were never known; and where they are known, they are occurring in clusters never before seen; a supervolcano is forming underneath Yellowstone National Park; hundred foot tall ocean waves are being recorded as never before; power grids are collapsing; steam pipes are exploding; bridges are evaporating; sidewalks are caving in; cranes are falling over; parking garages dropping; and even the number of meteorites hitting earth is a hundred times what it was only a couple of decades ago! God is enraged and will not be placated by those who choose to wait to act decently until after the punishment has begun! The time to address the disaster is before it happens, not to wait until afterward and try to clean up!

Julian Penrod

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