Tuesday, February 10, 2009

Cheney's Comments In The Politico.com Inteview Betray The GOP Plan To Stage Another Phony "Terrorist" Attack To Make Bush Dictator

February 9, 2009
Letters to the Editor

Dear sirs:

As malignant as it is to engage in the reprehensible and foul, it is just as low to be aware of them and not acknowledge it. Unfortunately, it takes so long for so many to recognize the corrupt for what it is that, by the time they do, conditions will have gone beyond where they can be easily repaired, if they can be repaired at all!

The fact that the Bush Administration staged an unprovoked invasion of a non-aggressor country, refused to share the details of their machinations even with Congress, maintained the equivalent of the denounced gulags overseas, scoffed at the idea of Constitutional guarantees and condoned torture is tacit demonstration of depraved indifference to human life and criminal misuse of power and conspiracy against the people. That the administration started off, too, with a provably non-credible "'terrorist' attack" only firms the character of Bush and his cohorts as wholesale traitors to the nation. Because Bush’s atrocities against foreign peoples were predicated on the idea of “protecting the homeland from attack”, though, they saw little opposition among the population during his diseased regime. A frightening demonstration of the depth of craven self-interest and wholesale greed among the plurality if not the majority of the “home of the brave”! The principle of willfully visiting any abomination on others, to keep yourself safe and secure, branded America with a bloody mark of Cain that a millenium will not wash away! And so many were so willing to parrot the phrases like “better to fight the ‘terrorists’ over there rather than have to do it here”! Those whose existences were assaulted by Bush’s leprous policies see the Americans who turned a blind eye, and will see their tainted children and their cursed children’s children, brought up in the same atmosphere of rabid self-absorption, as enemies of God!

And still there are those who will preach Bush’s viciousness and those who will listen. The first because they see a profit through it, the others because they are too stupid to see it for the syphilitic atrocity it is. Indeed, those who stood by Bush when he was spitting in God’s face will even more determinedly do so now, because to recant will be to put them in line for charges of treason against the Constitution! In fact, there are those who condemned Bush’s God-hating cruelty who see the coming months with fear, because success with a policy less inclined toward the hostility and rampant militaristic barbarism that raped America’s reputation will only serve to cast Bush’s administration in the ugly light it deserves, and bring him and his gang of traitors closer to prosecution for their crimes! That’s why those who recognized Bush’s depravity sense plans by the former administration to create another instance of mass destruction like September 11 and they will blame it on the laxity of the new administration!

And they will use the fact that Obama, frankly, never was correctly sworn in, with the correct oath and his hand on the Bible, to order that Bush be permanently re-instated as dictator.

But, as with all such criminal enterprises, they inevitably fall apart. They overreach. They overplay their hand. They attempt a stretch of their fraud so extreme their lack of contact with reality becomes evident. This has happened already a number of times, but it is helpful to note each new case when it comes up.

As it recently did in remarks by Dick Cheney. Incidentally, it may not be appropriate to call him “former Vice President” until after the thugs of the Bush regime are forced to abandon their prospective plans to stage another phony “attack” and undertake a military coup to oust Obama and Biden! If you need more evidence of the fact that Obama is really only a figurehead, to hold power until Cheney decides to overthrow him and put his puppet, Bush back in power, consider that, at the inauguration, for the first time ever, Cheney was seen in a wheelchair. Even his claimed “heart attacks” never had him so debilitated, but, now, a “back strain” from “picking up a box of books” had him hobbled. Vice presidents never do their own moving! The staff always do it for them! And, when www.politico.com came to interview him he was already out of the chair! Cheney had to be in the chair to show his disdain and contempt for the fake president, Obama, by sitting through his fake “inauguration”! Be assured that Cheney has plans to overthrow the government if he doesn’t get his way.

In a recent interview with www.politico.com, obviously intended as an exoneration of the policies he and Bush engineered to violate human rights and thwart the Constitution, Cheney undertook yet another reiteration of the “necessity” for his and Bush’s attack on liberty and values, but this time using harsher language than before. As always, his “argument” hinged on two points, the purported existence of a “threat” from “stateless operators”, indeed, the perennial “danger” of “attack” by “terrorists”, and the claimed utter impossibility of negotiating with them. As usual trundling the phrase, “people who are absolutely committed to do anything they can to kill Americans”, Cheney at once declared operations like Guantanamo crucial and denounced Obama as short-sighted and carelessly endangering the country. In fact, Cheney even tips off to the Bush gang’s plan to carry out an attack on U.S. soil to facilitate usurping the government and making Bush dictator for life by saying there is a “high probability” of “terrorists” launching an atomic or biological assault on the country in the near future. “Justifying” the Bush Administration’s wholesale violation of human rights, Cheney opined that protecting the country is a “tough, mean, dirty, nasty business”. Typifying those his administration termed “terrorists” as “evil people”, Cheney stated that “we’re not going to win this fight by turning the other cheek.” Finding fault with being concerned about “reading the rights to an al Qaeda ‘terrorist’”, Cheney said, “The United States needs to be not so much loved as it needs to be respected.” He declared, though, that “Sometimes, that requires us to take actions that generate controversy.” He derided what he called some people’s perception that “if we just go talk nicely to these folks, everything’s going to be okay.”

Note Cheney’s return to the opine about “terrorists” who want to “kill Americans”. Not “kill people”, just “kill Americans”. The administration playing to their political base of the self-centered, the self-absorbed and the cold! Remember the administration’s insistence that “it’s better to fight the ‘terrorists’ over there than in the streets over here”! The syphilitic sentiment of “Who cares what happens to someone else, as long as it doesn’t happen to me?” Playing to their depraved, deviate base, the administration was always cravenly baldly making this pronouncement!

Indeed, what more dramatic demonstration of the perverted nature of the GOP power base is there than Cheney’s statement that the U.S. “needs to be not so much loved as it needs to be respected”? The Republican Party “rank and file” is made up of bitter, angry, friendless back-stabbers and cheats, and the leadership are equally reptilian, lying and thieving CEO’s who run their businesses like slave labor camps, with busted unions and workers so ruthlessly underpaid, they can’t go anywhere else! They don’t disdain love because it doesn’t improve security, it’s because they are utterly and completely incapable of either giving or inspiring it! The hierarchy of the GOP were always like this, greedy and cold; it was only recently that they came upon the idea of basing their political clout on just that deviant segment of the “rank and file” who shared their diseased and malignant nature! Before, they had to depend on misrepresenting their self-seeking policies to con the ignorant; now, they simply looked to attracting those who were as vicious as they! But see how craven they are with their “argument”. If someone loves you, they already respect you! Love goes beyond someone simply holding you in regard to actively seeking your preservation along with their own! America would never be more secure than if it was loved! But Washington’s past involvement with covert destabilization operations and support for bloodthirsty dictators has bred something much less than love among those who were abused! The thugs in the White House define them as “people who just want to kill Americans”, as if they woke up one day with a baseless, unreasoning lust to kill citizens of the U.S.! Of course, they won’t touch the issue of what America did to make them angry! Don’t even expect the likes of CNN to touch that subject! All the media are corporate whores! No wonder Cheney decries the idea of talking “nice”; the last thing they want is to let those subjected to American atrocities to have their say! They want the issues to remain unaddressed, so that, like their “rank and file” devotees, they can maintain the insistence that they never did anyone wrong! But, since to be loved is automatically to be respected, when Cheney used the word “respected”, unsurprisingly, he meant something else, but never acknowledged it! In fact, Cheney meant America being feared! That was the purpose of the ruthless, uncontrolled spread of violence across the globe during the past decade! To make any nation who felt compelled to complain about past CIA abominations to think twice, because an unprincipled sociopath was holding the trigger for America’s arsenal. But, then, that was also guaranteed to appeal to the GOP’s “rank and file”, since, having found themselves incapable of being loved, to a one, all conspire to be feared! Brutish, hulking, loud, drunkenly reckless and threatening!

No wonder he mocks the admonition about turning the other cheek! As blatantly, loathsomely God-hating as the Bush White House is, the last thing they would do is respect the words of Jesus!

No, a maggot like Cheney would mock Christ!

Christ counseled harmless, unthreatening goodwill to everyone. The pustulent sores of the GOP are in the game out of greed! They mean no good toward anyone! They only know how to rape and brutalize! And they know everyone, even the drunkard “NASCAR Dads” of Bush’s political base, know that. Which is why they know they cannot count on anyone’s friendship, which is why they opt only to be threatening!

And if those filth have so much contempt for Jesus, how could anyone think they would have to have respect for their fellow men?

That they wouldn’t stage a fake “terrorist” attack, to usurp legitimate government for their own psychotic avarice?

If Obama is so weak and a nuclear or biological attack so likely, why is Cheney settling down to write his memoirs, instead of touring the country, trying to turn public opinion? Because he knows there will be no such “terrorist” attack and whatever attack like that that does occur, since they will be launched by the RNC, will be nowhere near him!

It comes as no surprise, too, that Cheney would describe “ensuring national security” as a “tough, mean, dirty, nasty business”! For the first time, a member of the Bush regime has openly described their machinations as low, foul and malignant! Indeed, “keeping America safe” is the only bright aspect of the entire process he described!

But need it be dirty, mean and nasty? Is that the only way to be safe?

One can suggest the “evil” acts the Bush Administration accused Muslim extremists of are the same “dirty” and “mean” and “nasty” things Cheney praises! If it is alright for the U.S. to engage in such filthy and corrupt actions, why isn’t it right for others?

But, then, how many like the idea of the U.S. openly and wantonly engaging in “mean, dirty, nasty business”? Certainly not those for whom the United States was something more, a living symbol of the very principles it espouses! Those who respect ethic both are willing to do what’s necessary to succeed while not sacrificing decency and are aware that it is, in fact, possible to succeed while still being scrupulous! Those who are willing to accept an America that is “mean” and “dirty” and “nasty” are those who gave up the idea of America being a place of high principle, or who never had that sentiment in the first place! Low, cruel, grasping, gutter level trash for whom greed, envy and violence are the only facets of life. No wonder the Bush regime attracted this ilk!

And, if the U.S. government is so ready to engage in what is “mean” and “dirty” and “nasty”, how dare anyone play around with the idea that they would be beyond staging their own attack on American soil to install a dictatorship aimed at allowing the rich to steal half the planet? And don’t think the Bush Administration is over! Not by a long shot! When you have so ambitious and aggressive a program of thievery in operation, you don’t take the chance it coming to an end by you being voted out of office! So far, Obama’s done precisely nothing he promised! He promised his bills would be listed for comment beforehand, but his first one was not! He has not called for an investigation into Bush Administration atrocities! There are signs he will refuse access to Bush White House records that could be used to bring them all up on charges of conspiracy against the Constitution! He infused his cabinet with RNC stalwarts! Obama is Bush’s “nigger”, don’t let anyone say otherwise! And when Cheney tells him to step aside for the New World Order, so they could continue the overt bloodying of the planet, he will!

Those with conscience would find Cheney’s remark about America engaging in the “mean, dirty, nasty” and about the country wanting to be feared not loved would find the sentiment intolerable. The filth who supported Bush and still do would find it equitable since it is the overt expression of their rabid mendacity and insatiable grasping. Cheney is admitting that honor, decency, conscience and Christ have no part in the machinations the Bush Administration supported, and still supports! And that defines the Bush regime as ruthlessly opposed to the rights of humans! The CEO’s of the RNC see their fellow human beings the way they see employees, as “beasts of burden”, to be whipped relentlessly and butchered without remorse! Cheney’s own words express that! The reality of the GOP’s homicidal hatred for the human race has to be admitted, before they go so far that things can never be repaired!

Julian Penrod

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