Sunday, February 8, 2009

The "Debunkers" Won't Acknowledge The Evidence Of The Existence Of Chemtrails Until After Chemtrails Have Damaged The World Beyond Repairing

September 7, 2008

Letters to the Editor

Dear sirs:

As loathsome as it is to engage in the foul and low, it is just as corrupt to be aware of them and not acknowledge it.

Many have been aware of the depredations of the Bush regime in the world and its crimes against humanity, but while many, such as engineering the events of September 11 to begin a fraudulent "war on 'terror'" and invading a non-aggressor state, are overt, at least as many have been clandestine. And, if it is easy for a plurality, if not a majority, of Americans to twist their mentalities to consider Bush's open abominations "necessary" and even "noble", the denying of his secret machinations has become simplicity itself!

But the government is constantly assaulting the human race with unacknowledged operations and they need repeatedly to be revealed.

One major such operation is the aerial spraying of the skies with chemicals, what is referred to as "chemtrails". A "chemtrail" is a lane of vapor left behind a high flying jet, but, until a contrail, a "chemtrail" does not dissipate. It persists as the jet flies from one horizon to the next. It remains, often for an hour or more afterward, generally spreading out sideways, frequently combining with other such trails laid after it was, finally coating the sky over with a filmy fog or even an oily sheen. "Chemtrails" will often be seen in parallel pairs, in X's, H's, E's or even in spiderweb combinations often called "grids".

It’s a despoiling of the skies, the ruining of clear days and the stealing of sunny days from the public. But that is only part of their purpose. The primary aim of chemtrails, evidently, is wholesale perverting of the world’s atmosphere. Some say it’s to facilitate operation of the High-frequency Active Auroral Research project, in Gakona, Alaska, a grid of microwave antennas near the Arctic Circle, intended to harness the electric currents high in the earth’s atmosphere, for use as a remote controlled weapon! Reported sudden die-offs of flocks of birds, their brains fried or their internal organs liquified, does suggest this is a purpose. Others suggest chemtrail are intended to dope up the atmosphere enough that radio signals can be transmitted over the curve of the earth. The switchover of all civilian television transmission to digital signals, sequestering the broad range of analog signals to the military, indicates that communication for long range aggression against countries that won’t let themselves be enslaved is critical to Washington’s leprous plans! Others claims at least part of the aim of chemtrails is to indoctrinate the air with enough latent aluminum chaff that hand held missiles won’t operate. When you’re going to commit wholesale atrocity against human rights across three quarters of the globe, you have to expect to have to neutralize aggressions aimed against you! This also seems one of the reasons analog signals are being banned, so people don’t get an idea, from the poor performance of their television, of how dirtied the air is with metal filings!

But another important aspect of chemtrailing seems to be to alter the weather worldwide. “Debunkers”, a pernicious government supported community of calculated nay-sayers polluting forums and discussion groups all over the internet with meaningless and diversionary rhetoric to try to derail discussion of chemtrails, will predictably answer such statements with “counters” such as that, if you never took a sample of a chemtrail, how can you say its purpose is to alter climate? But, if you see a chemical eat through metal, you don’t have to analyze it to know it is a solvent! The nature of chemtrails can be seen from their end result.

In fact, chemtrailing was first acknowledged, by those willing to tell the truth about it, in around 1996 or 1997. The California radio commentator Art Bell was the first to really discuss them and who coined the term. Even before he knew what they were for, he gave that date as their beginning. Chemtrail opponents have taken that as the official start of chemtrail formations in the skies. Importantly, that is the date for what contrived “meteorologists” describe as the end of “the largest el Nino event in the last century”. Significantly, too, it also preceded the beginning, in 1998, of the monstrous rash of hurricane seasons that led to the record breaking events of 2005. And, the period from 1997 to 1998 marked the single largest one year drop in summertime Arctic sea ice to that time! Art Bell gave 1997 as the date of the start of chemtrails even before all those other events happened! He didn’t wait until the string of hurricane seasons was temporarily abated in 2006 to declare 1997 the start, he gave that date before the string of hurricanes began! The date he gave for chemtrails first appearing in the sky coincides exactly with the date, obvious years later, of at least three of the most monumental events in world weather! That cannot be coincidence!

“Debunkers” will demand that chemtrails existed before 1997. But no one who remembers weather from then can claim to have ever seen anything like them! Photographs from that time do not show chemtrails hovering over residential communities the way they do today! During the attack wary days of the Cold War, one thing people would not miss is a checkerboard of twenty or more lines of gas webbing in the sky overhead!

“Debunkers” lie that ice crystals from normal jet exhaust serve as “nuclei” for the formation of other ice crystals in exceptionally humid air, which is why chemtrails expand. But “nuclei” only act to cause more ice to form around them, not to cause ice crystals to form elsewhere in the sky! Too, chemtrails are often seen with gaps in them, what is termed proof of an “on/off” switch for the chemicals, or of spray tanks momentarily being clogged up. “Debunkers” claim the gaps are caused by patches of dry air. But the gaps are often only a hundred or so feet long! There is no way that a 100 foot wide patch of dry air would persist in the middle of hundreds of square miles of moist air! The moist air would move into the dry patch, filling it up and preventing a gap in a water vapor trail!

“Debunkers” challenge chemtrail opponents that no conspiracy as big as chemtrails could remain unknown for long. Recently, it was announced that a population of more than 125,000 lowland gorillas were discovered in the Republic of the Congo. Despite human habitation there for thousands of years and explorations for at least a couple of centuries, more than 100,000 gorillas managed not to be found and they weren’t even trying to hide! It’s more than likely that no small number of government conspiracies still lie hidden! The “debunkers” also insist that the chemtrail opponents have not proved that the substances in chemtrails can cause weather changes. But the proof of weather alteration is obvious from a look at the last ten years since the accepted beginning of the phenomenon.

Record numbers of tornadoes. Tornadoes occurring in areas like the mountainous Eastern Seaboard where they were never known to exist before 1970! Meteorologists having to invent concepts that were never heard of before, such as “supercells” to explain tornadoes in areas they were never known before! Record breaking hurricane seasons! Hurricanes for the first time hitting the coast of Europe and even forming off the coast of Brazil! Hurricanes exhibiting lightning, a genuine rarity for those type of storms. Massive heat waves across Great Britain and even northern Europe! Ice blocks the size of small states breaking off the Arctic and Antarctic ice sheets. Glaciers disappearing at record paces. The coverage of the Arctic Ocean with block ice shrinking so drastically that nations are now competing for claims to Arctic Ocean sea bottom, since oil drilling there is immensely more feasible now!

More and more, as many as three or four different types of cloud would be visible in the sky at the same time! A retreating stratus layer, for example, can leave behind low lying normal cumulus clouds, with bands of cumulo-cirrus cloudlets in one part of the sky and horsetail cirrus in another. Often, racked and broken clouds would be visible at night, when things should be cool enough for clouds to be tranquil. Dew began forming in the early evening many nights and condensation would form on smooth surfaces even on mild, not particularly cool, evenings. More and more, trees and bushes are displaying the phenomenon of limited sections of foliage dying swiftly.

A meteorologist recently quipped that, only a decade ago, they could predict weather reliably up to several days away, but now, weather can differ from their predictions only six hours in the future! Chemtrail opponents described a new form of cloud in the years since 1997, the “black bottom cloud” and they were roundly mocked by “debunkers”. In the recent documentary “Dimming the Sun”, the Discovery Channel described microparticles of soot collecting ice crystals on them and reflecting light back into space, reducing the amount of sun hitting the earth. But if a cloud is exceptionally reflective above, it will be extraordinarily dark on the underside, exactly what the chemtrail opponents described and were derided for! In a telling move, the government, anxious to convince people that odd occurrences in the sky are not strange, actually went so far as to put out a special edition of stamps “honoring” the different types of clouds they claim are normal!

It all adds up to the atmosphere being saturated with a substance similar to water, but significantly more reactive. Something that could function as the heat engine water always used to be, but much more readily and energetically! Something that would take the place of water in the formation of weather!

Hurricanes could be expected to be more frequent and more violent now! Extremely active conditions like multiple formations of clouds or extremely twisted clouds at night are likely now, as clouds increasingly are formed of alien but immensely more reactive substances. Anomalous dew and condensation under particularly warm conditions could be explained by normal water being “squeezed out” of the air by the invading substance! The spot die-offs of tree and shrub foliage can be explained by the new material washing into the ground with rain and being picked up by plant roots. The reason only portions are affected seems to be that, in low enough concentrations, the substance may not be harmful to plants, but, randomly, one or another root might be exposed to a dangerous concentration, and that can damage the foliage associated with it! A few years ago, it was revealed that the government had changed the wind chill tables indicating how much objects cool off exposed to moving air! There has to be something truly major in action when tables about the behavior of air are altered! The change cut the amount of chilling in half, strongly suggesting that air was holding much more heat than it used to, and transmitting it to objects, a sign of an unnatural substance in the atmosphere!

And the fact that science textbooks and internet sites have undertaken to eliminate the old perception that water going down a drain in the northern hemisphere naturally rotates counterclockwise, saying it can rotate either way, is a frightening portent of a monstrous change in the nature of things as the alien substance becomes almost universal!

And, as with all cases where the facts of a situation are withheld from others, you have to be able to draw conclusions from everything you see. If there is an abnormal substance in the air, not only will it affect weather and plants, but it could impact anything else in the air, including aircraft! In the past few years a disturbing trend has arisen with respect to air flight. About three or four years ago, air crashes would occur in streaks a few weeks long, about one every one or two days. Then there would be a lull of about two or three months and another streak would start. As time went on, though, the period between air crashes became shorter and shorter. The air seemed to be becoming less and less able to support aircraft! At the same time, unprecedented spates of flight “delays”, unexpected “equipment problems”, passenger “disruptions” and strikes or bankruptcy shutdowns caused fewer and fewer commercial jets to be in the air. Making it easier to hide the fact that only limited portions of the sky could support aircraft, anymore! Now, even B-2’s and F-16’s are finding it difficult to remain aloft! Soon, the air will be so completely contaminated with the chemicals in chemtrails that nothing will be able to fly, at all!

Among the most telling features, though, is the fact that the GOP controlled government itself has begun invoking the term “global warming” with respect to changes in the earth’s weather. There was a time when they would stridently oppose any mention of the term, much less use it themselves. But a common quality of the crooked is that they always gladly “cop to a lesser charge”. They will willingly accept being accused of one crime, if it meant avoiding being charged with a more heinous violation! The GOP have readily used the term “global warming” in the past few years because it allows them to avoid admitting that the change in the world’s atmosphere is really the planned result of a criminal program of aerial toxification!

Because a frightening prospect is that 1997 was not the year chemtrailing began. That, in fact, clandestine spraying had been going on for a long time before that, but in 1997, it reached saturation, so any new spraying automatically condensed out and was visible!

The anomalous nature of the weather was obvious even years ago. The public listening to those who voiced a warning could have resulted in the alteration of the climate being largely thwarted. But the vicious, contemptuous, relentless gullibility to government lies that the Conservative regime seeks to instill in the populace, led to general dismissal or even outright hostility. As time went on, however, the amount of evidence that chemtrail opponents were right only increased, until now, almost anyone denouncing claims of climate alteration is seen as delusional or conniving! The problem is that now, the damage to the environment is so severe that it may not be possible to repair it to what it was! The price of the kind of “proof” the insipid and dull-wittedly craven demanded is the selling away of the possibility of repairing things! It’s crucial to be able to perceive a situation early, to see a threat before it has happened! Even now, the same dimwits insist on trusting the criminal administration in its claims about “terrorism” and the invasion of Iraq. The GOP are raping the world bloody and drunken simpletons are sitting in front of the TV, telling themselves “reality TV” is real! The time is now to admit the criminal nature of this administration and to demand that the perpetrators be brought to justice. Or else, by the time enough “proof” accumulates for the morons to be convinced that the world will be a worthless, irreparable bleeding wreck!

Julian Penrod

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