Monday, January 12, 2009

The Second Corollary

There is an ancient truism, as valuable as any other in its insight into the world, but, at times like now, of a critical importance matched by few others. Its general applicability and fundamental significance places it among the most important of what are termed "rules of thumb". In contrast to so many other dicta and tenets, however, its depth and breadth are immense and, unlike mere cautionary maxims, it does not only warn what not to do, it actually provides a schema for success.

And most out there will never have heard it! Indeed, the very nature of the world over the past few decades points to an all but determined and willful attempt to eliminate it.

It states, basically, the only reliable way to solve a problem is to understand the truth about it.

To be sure, it is simple, straightforward and reasonable. A direct statement of circumstances. The truth can be like that. But there has been an active effort for some time to instill suspicion and even mistrust in inherently evident sentiments. Those in positions of influence desire a populace mistrusting both of the legitimacy of their basic feelings and their ability to understand the world.

Too, faith in the indications of this tenet would lead to dire realizations about so much of the man-made world about you.

Because the truism has two corollaries. One states that, if a particular methodology yields consistent success in solving the facets of a difficulty, you must be tapping into the fundamental reality of the situation. The second corollary state that, if you are not having success in solving a problem, then the rules you are working by must be false!

If there is any condition that defines the world of the past almost forty years it is that of an "unsolved problem". There are many today who do not realize it, and maybe even think it impossible, but, at one time, the future was bright and optimistic. The general attitude around the world was positive and hopeful. To be sure, there were conflicts, but the overall feeling was that a way existed to straighten everything out and, as mankind progressed, they were brought, inevitably, closer and closer to achieving that goal. Dawn unfailingly arriving and dispelling any fear was a constant subtext of discussion. Today, for many, it seems impossible to frame the concept of a pleasant and fulfilling existence.

It is a violation of common sense and an abrogation of the human ability to understand the truth to say a problem does not have a solution. For a problem to occur, certain things, almost utterly unique to the situation, must go wrong. To prevent the problem, simply keep those things from going wrong. Again, an unpretentious and simplistic recommendation, as opposed to the relentless opines of “a complicated situation” peddled by the crooks who want an easy excuse for not stopping the misery they want to perpetuate.

And, for those quislings who will try to promote the widespread consensus of reality being a depressive and hopeless affair by "arguing" that some things can't be kept from going wrong, be reminded that a plethora of unresolved miseries now plaguing world civilizations didn't assault them fifty or more years ago.

Every “unsolved problem” represents a recommendation not made, an observation not shared, a truth not uttered. Words unsaid. And the collected open wounds on mankind stand for a chorus of realities kept from the waiting populace.

The people will ask themselves perpetually, why is it that the electorate is so completely incapable of choosing the right one of a selection of candidates? Nixon collaborating with crooks to keep himself in power. Carter foisting a gutter level gang of trash onto the people. Reagan conspiring against the unions and consorting with terrorists in Central America. George H.W. Bush launching the “war” that didn’t have to be. Clinton turning the White House into a whorehouse and presiding over the longest string of unsolved deaths of any other president. And George W. Bush. Why, the people will ask, can’t the voting public ever choose the right man, why have they only been able to choose losers? Washington will assure you that it’s not because every politician is a crook and government is the largest white-collar crime ring on the planet. You will be ordered to believe it is because the public just can’t be trusted with putting the right man in the White House!

For that matter, why can’t the public show sense with their spending habits? Everyone from Glenn Beck to George W. Bush is telling us that it was the consumers’ poor spending habits which caused all the financial catastrophes we are suffering. If the people didn’t drive so much, the price of oil wouldn’t go up. It has nothing to do with Middle East antipathy toward covert CIA and Mossad destabilization programs there. If people were more intelligent taking out loans, the current credit collapse would never have occurred. It wasn’t as if loan directors nudged borrowers with bad credit on with promises of the “American dream” and assurances that “the system is too stable to suffer” if they took out an unsecured loan. Remember, it was the people who pressured the loan officers to provide those loans, and the loan officers simply couldn’t say “no”! And as the CEO’s of the car companies delight in reminding people, how dare the auto workers demand that the money they earn be put toward insurance and a pension! Don’t the workers know that the bosses, who do nothing all day, have the right to every penny the workers make?

And, for their own part, why can’t the children learn? The fault for plummeting abilities and test scores can’t be the educational system! Hundreds of billions of dollars, closing in on a trillion dollars, from taxes, lotteries and contributors, flood the system every year! Every year, “educators”, with dozens of initials after their names, introduce a new “theory of learning” and alter school district programs to reflect their claims. Montessori, “relevance”, self-esteem, awards for just participating, students teaching themselves, whole language, LATIC. And the average public school has 194 “administrators”, each earning upwards of $175,000 a year. How can they go wrong with that? And every classroom has a computer for every student, loaded full of the latest games pretending to be “educational”, along with a recording of Billy Joel’s “We Didn’t Start The Fire”, which was awarded and NEA award for providing the most disjointedly useless encapsulation of half a century of history in three minutes time. Isn’t that the key to knowledge? It can’t be. of course, that the “education system” is just a swindle, with crooks cutting in local school district boards for the massive expenses of implementing new policies and programs, then doctoring the records to make it look like it was succeeding, then inventing a new “theory” when the scam starts to fall apart. There are those who will say that Bush’s “No Child Left Behind” program, which punished teachers if the “theory” they used didn’t work, encouraged the teachers to doctor grades and so passed the buck, protecting those who invented the “theories”, but that would mean that Bush was a craven, corrupt manipulator. And, remember, we are ordered to believe he was the kindest, finest, most honorable, most truthful, most decent human who ever lived!

What did Barack Obama do to deserve being elected president? He was selected to give the keynote speech at the 2004 presidential convention even though he hadn’t initiated any important legislation and hadn’t even voted on any significant measures. A plurality of Illinois residents didn’t even know his name, much less the rest of the country! And, while many of the public were still fumbling with his name, he was credited with soaring into prominence with “rock star status”. He never showed any initiative or promoted any particular approach to dealing with the problems of the nation yet, while still a junior Senator, he was suddenly chosen as “the only one to lead the country” and dutifully voted in by an electorate facing the avalanche of a collapsing economy. We are ordered to think that he was somehow “touched by fate” and “blessed by a unique and unrepeatable innate capacity to handle the challenge”. We are ordered not to think that his “fame” was completely engineered by the cabal of the Democrats and Republicans, playing upon the witless gullibility of the majority of the people, who not only think they have confidence in Obama even though they still can’t spell his name, but who also actually believe it’s their votes that placed him in office! We are certainly demanded not to think his only purpose was to perpetuate the Bush agenda while giving it the gloss of Democratic Party intent!

And why can’t the U.S. get other nations to love us? We’ve done everything necessary, from installing propped up dictators, “friendly to ‘American interests’”; to infiltrating the nations with CIA forces to destabilize and, topple legitimate governments; to bribing or extorting members of the UN to keep their mouths shut; to starting phony “wars”, intent on enslaving local populations. The U.S. or its proxies are marauding across half the globe, telling local populations to shut up and work or die. And isn’t that the only way to make someone love you, by threatening to kill them if they don’t?

And why can’t the Jews get the Palestinians to love them? All they did was take the Palestinians’ land, pen them up in areas that make American Indian reservations look like paradises, established siege systems that restricted the flow of needed goods and prevented growth of profit, then bought up all the media venues to broadcast the message that Arabs are lower than animals! What’s wrong with that? How dare the Palestinians seek to get their land and their dignity back? It was okay for Joe Horn to shoot two men he saw stealing his neighbor’s property, but where do the Palestinians get the idea they have the right to try to get their own property back? After all, Horn’s case was the embodiment of ruthless American bloodlust while Palestinian desire to regain their land represents the people there fighting for their rights. And that, of course, has been off limits since the days of Reagan.

Every unending problem is another instance of things unsaid. The answer to every problem resides in that vast ocean of previously unexpressed sentiments and concepts. The things they, yes, they, tell you are foolish to say, things they tell you it’s impolite to say, things they threaten you if you say. Just notice how often individuals lately try to quell a comment by saying it’s “offensive”, but they never once will say it’s untrue! Just being something someone doesn’t want you to hear, these days, is supposed to be reason for you not to hear it! The truth is always there to see, but there are those ordering you not to be aware! The words they will not say, the things they order you not to say, the ideas they forbid you to think will frame the answers to the suffering they don’t want you to escape!

If you wish to better the disaster area the world has been made, you must be willing to entertain the words hitherto unsaid. And it is your obligation to better the disaster area the world has become.

Julian Penrod

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