Wednesday, January 21, 2009

Dear Abby And The NWO

Letters to the Editor

Dear sirs:

As low as it is to engage in the malignant and foul, is it just as bad to be aware of them and not acknowledge it.

The January 20, 2009 Dear Abby "contribution" to culture revolves around the wedding reception for a vegetarian couple. "Future Mother-In-Law" writes that her daughter and her future husband are planning on serving an all vegetarian meal at their wedding reception. She says her husband, who, as the father of the bride, is paying for the entire fiasco, feels she should provide some meat dishes for those who are not practicing vegetarians. Dear Abby's by now characteristically quisling response is that it's the bride and groom's wedding and they should be allowed to handle it any way they want. Even if it is uncaring for or disrespectful of their guests. "If your husband is concerned about what will be served", Dear Abby replies cravenly, "he should eat before going to the wedding." She then finishes with the reptlianly cold-blooded, "Please tell him I said so and let him chew on that."

To begin with, use the correct term. "Future Mother-In-Law", her daughter and future son-in-law use the term "Vegan" for vegetarian. "Vegan" means you are from the star Vega. The correct term is "vegetarian". "Vegan" is just another insipid, commercially contrived term, aimed at resonating with the dim-wittedly gullible and malignantly, vapidly trendy. Reflective of the kind of gratuitously insular attitude of those who cannot muster feelings for others that also expresses itself in forcing them to join in a pattern of behavior that oppresses them.

Even more pernicious, though, is the general attitude displayed of utter contempt for others. "This will be your daughter's day, not your husband's", Dear Abby slithers. What if it's more than just her husband? What if a lot of people will be inconvenienced or even discomfitted by it? What if they are her friends? She is forcing others to join in her arbitrarily chosen lifestyle! That is utterly disrespectful of others who will be attending and completely contemptuous of her father. Doesn't she have the kind of love for him that would lead to her wanting to accommodate his wishes? For that matter, how did she live with them with her vegetarian preferences and his apparent wish to eat meat? Did she hole herself up in her room, like the cult convert she is, poisoning herself with her mind destroying regimen? She evidently seeks to divorce herself utterly from the rest of the family, taking up the totally vegetarian lifestyle and even taking on the calculatedly imprecise term "Vegan"! And then the loathsome Dear Abby tosses in the vicious "let him chew on that"! As if the father is asking something unreasonable or unjustifiable!

In fact, that is par for the course for many pursuits, these days, embracing and even promoting the arrogant and vicious! Since the days of Reagan, the general sentiment of the "conservative" has been unbridled venom toward those they can't count on to enrich them or benefit them. It began with dismissing union members rather than honor legitimate employment demands; it grew to outsourcing to avoid paying legitimate wages; it came to include terminating employees if they didn't engage in the arbitrary lifestyle the boss endorsed, in their off hours; and eventually embraced the general government policy of bullyingly attacking smaller nations, ruining life for their citizens and stealing their resources. Dear Abby claims to be promoting manners. Well, manners include considering other people's feelings, too! Satisfying one person's wishes should never come at the expense of sacrificing someone else's! There's never a day off to being mannered and considerate! Dear Abby used to understand and express this, before the entire conniving enterprise became a tool of societal engineering, endorsing the idea that arrogant and contemptuous behavior was the personal and valid choice of the malignant!

If anyone knows the identity of "Future Mother-In-Law", they should contact her husband and tell him not to foot the bill for the wedding! If her father, as with most parents of the bride, is paying for the wedding, he should pull out all his financial support right now! He shouldn't be paying for a party that doesn't consider his feelings! Let him leave up to his syphilitic whore of a daughter to see how it feels not being considered! If she wants to deny certain types of food to her guests, let her pay for it! He should be counseled not even to attend at all! Start her selfish life out appropriately! Her friends should be alerted, too, that she doesn't have the respect for them to let them eat what they want and they should be counseled to stay away, too!

And, for that matter, everyone should be advised never to consult with or read Dear Abby ever again!

Remember when, for the majority of people, to be classy and courteous was more important than to be self-serving and self-absorbed? Today, for many brides, the idea is that it's "their day". Every day is everybody's day! They can have some more latitude, but not when it encroaches on ruining someone else's experience! It's supposed to be her father's day, too! How is he going to feel, walking her down the aisle, knowing she has so little respect for his wishes?

For far too long the right wing "conservative" ideology of "My way or the highway" has held sway, subject, for the most part, to nothing more than annoyed bemusement by those who knew it was a God-hating and diseased manifestation of depraved arrogance. And it has left the earth with a bloody and festering social scar that will not be healed even a millenium from now! We are all our brother's keeper, but that has been brushed aside with the ruthless and relentless maxim of "Me first"! Aided and abetted by the leprous Dear Abby! The attitude has to be denounced and condemned, treated as the perverted and depraved machination of the criminal enterprise called "corporate America" to faciltiate the abominations they intended to use to initiate the New World Order. Nothing less than humanity's future rests on exposing that sentiment for the wretched and deviant manifestation it is! Illimitable damage has already been done in its name, if action is not taken to expose its malignance now, soon, the harm will be so great, undoing it could be unlikely if not impossible!

Julian Penrod

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