Saturday, January 17, 2009

The Emerging Universal Police State

January 15, 2009

Letters to the Editor

Dear sirs:

There can be many levels to an issue, and, unless you look at all of them, you cannot necessarily be said completely to understand it.

A hot issue, with at least the seeds of a massive undermining impact within it, is the New Year's Day shooting at the Bay Area Rapid Transit, BART, Fruitvale station in California. Oscar Grant III, a supermarket worker, supposedly was on a train where some violence had broken out and a number of BART cops had dispatched to the area. For some unexplained reason, they included Mr. Grant among those they brought down, even though he put up no resistance. Piling on him, applying a choke hold, they got him on the ground. Then, Officer Johannes Mehserle pulled his service revolver, aimed it at Grant's back and fired. The incident may have only been passed off as a random, insiginificant incident, if not that it was caught on security camera and at least one person made a recording on their cell phone. And the rest of the officers failed to confiscate that phone in their desperate attempt to shut the issue up.

In a determined attempt to defraud the public, the BART police fabricated the claim that Mehserle thought he was reaching for his taser and mistook his gun for it. Leaving aside the fact that Grant apparently wasn't even overpowering the other officers dog piled on him, which is the only reason they would use a taser, other glaring facets strongly argue against that claim. Including that officers are supposed to be trained to know which weapon is in the hand at any time. Or that tasers are carried on the opposite side of the body from the weapon. Or that tasers have a completely different shape from the service revolver. Or that it's necessary to load a round into the chamber of a service weapon before firing it. Unfortunately, a number of these facets are unknown to the public and others can be answered with the simple claim by Mehserle that he got confused, after which he will clam up to avoid revealling that he is lying.

One point, however, is crucial in deciding whether this was an error or deliberate abuse of power.

Guns work at a distance from the body and can even function poorly if discharged right in contact with the body. Tasers, on the other hand, are useless unless they are in direct contact with the body.

Mehserle unloaded his gun when it was about four inches away from Grant!

More than that, though, consider other facets of the story that the “crusading press” studiously avoided mentioning!

Such as, for example, even if Mehserle didn’t know he had a pistol in his hand, not a taser, one of the clutch of other officers around him would have seen and told him! Why aren’t any of them being held for failing to discharge their duty and keep him from making a mistake?

And, consider the utterly condemnatory fact that two police officers to the right side of the scene of the murder are standing with their backs turned away! If the situation was so desperate that Mehserle needed to draw his taser, supposedly, why aren’t they participating. Why are they standing guard for the abomination, their backs turned on the crime, watching along the platform to make sure no one stops Mehserle’s crime? One officer turns briefly toward the scuffle, then disinterestedly turns away! Then, and even more significantly, when Mehserle fires at Grant, the officers to the side of the scene don’t even flinch! Look at the tape and you’ll see it! A shot goes off behind their backs and the officers aren’t startled and don’t even walk back to the scene to see if the other officers need help! It’s as if they knew ahead of time that the killing was going to take place! Look at the tape and you will see it! And no one in the media brought this up!

In fact, Mehserle knew he didn't have a taser in his hand! He knew he was committing cold blooded murder! He's nothing but a vicious sociopath who joined the police because he had caught wind of the fact that police departments across the country were going to start permitting and even facilitating wholesale bloody abuse of power! Because the country is in the process of being turned into a dictatorial police state! And they want just the right breed of depraved, deviate psychopath in the ranks of the hitmen for the High Command!

The signs of the ingraining of a culture of a ruthless and vicious police state have been obvious for some time now.

It includes but goes far beyond the police substituting unloading half a hundred rounds into Sean Bell for ordering him to stop his car.

It includes 250 pound, 6’ 1” Chicago officer Anthony Abbate viciously beating and kicking a 5’ 4” female bartender because she told him he had already had too much to drink.

It’s Florida police who tasered University of Florida student Andrew Meyer when he started asking former presidential candidate John Kerry questions that threatened to demonstrate there is no difference between the Democrats and the Republicans.

It’s the New York police, who went on a ticket writing spree, targeting, among other things, a man who was sitting on a milk crate and a pregnant woman who was sitting on subway steps.

Claiming they were acting to bust up a drug ring, Maryland police staged a home invasion of Berwyn Heights mayor, Cheye Calvo. They handcuffed the mayor, evidently assaulted his mother-in-law and apparently murdered his two dogs for sport, shooting one in the back while it was running away. A God-hating judge acquitted the officers for killing the two dogs, accepting without question or challenge their statement that “they felt threatened”. This is going to be used as the catch phrase for the upcoming epidemic of cold-blooded murder as the police stage their takeover of the nation. Several U.S. military, for sport, threw an unarmed Iraqi man into the Tigris and watched laughing while he drowned. They were later cleared by a God-hating military judge because they claimed “they felt threatened”!

In 2006, apparently troubled teenager, Christopher David Penley, arrived at his school with a pellet gun. A SWAT team was immediately summoned and they soon cornered him in a bathroom. The team claim he raised the weapon and they couldn’t tell whether it was real or not, so they unleashed a full barrage of gunfire, all but cutting him in two. Complaints of the team not taking enough pains not to use disproportionate force were met by objections from pro police state quislings that the police couldn’t control where their shots would go and had to do what was necessary to protect themselves.

This, however, is what makes the story of Border Patrol Agents Ignacio Ramos and Jose Campeon suspicious! In their case, they were supposedly trying to detain a Mexican drug lord when he broke away. Firing at the drug lord, fleeing and zig-zagging, more than a hundred yards away, they were able to hit him squarely and precisely in the buttocks! They were taken into custody and charged for unnecessary use of force. Subsequently, any number of sociopaths masquerading as “patriots” termed Ramos and Campeon “heroes” and demanded they be exonerated. The Florida SWAT couldn’t wound a young man ten feet away, holed up in a bathroom, because “they can’t control where their shots go”, but Ramos and Campeon can manage a precise shot at a zig-zagging man more than 300 feet away! In fact, Ramos and Campeon were engaged in a drug deal and, when they didn’t get what they wanted, they tried to kill the courier!

Just a few months earlier than Penley’s case, a heavy set, mentally disturbed man waving a knife in a street in New Orleans found himself surrounding by at least a half a dozen police, all with guns raised. The scene was photographed by a nearby individual with a camcorder. The police herded the man with the knife along by moving in tandem and, when he had finally moved behind an obstruction and could no longer be filmed, they opened fire and killed him. For their “excuse” they claimed he had “lunged” at them. Leaving aside the patent inanity of the idea that he waited until he was behind an obstruction to lunge at them, there again is the question of why a clutch of police, none of them more than ten feet from as wide a target as the man, couldn’t wound him! If he had been dropping off their regular delivery of drugs, they would be able to!

Less than two months after Hurricane Katrina decimated New Orleans and police presence there had been ramped up at least 100%, a gang of thugs decided to have some fun beating up a nigger. So they found someone they could place a borderline charge against, Robert Davis, whom they charged with “public intoxication”. Carrying out the unnecessary, even illegal, act of handcuffing him for so minor an “infraction”, they got him upset enough to fight back against the thugs in blue breaking the law. With that as their “excuse” they jumped into action, four of the bullies dog piling on Davis, while mounted police put their horses between the scene and news cameras recording the police criminality. Two of the officers involved, who turned out to be federal agents, were not even convicted. Of the remaining officers, one had his conviction overturned, after another committed suicide.

Almost exactly three years later, to the day, two police stopped Ruben Martinez in Denville and accused him of driving intoxicated. The incidents that followed, as indicated by the camera mounted in the police car, had the two officers standing next to the open driver side door of the car. Suddenly one officer, Richard Byrne, reaches in and, after he does, the car lurches and drives out of the scene. The end of the incident was that the motorist, Ruben Martinez, ended up shot five times at close range by Byrne and the car ended up driving into a nearby swimming pool. The officers’ “explanation” was that Martinez had supposedly put the car in gear and Byrne had reached in to grab his keys. Next, we are ordered to believe, Martinez tried to flee the scene and Officer Byrne was pulled along with him. Using the wheeze which has become standard for cops trying to escape charges of unlawful use of force, Byrne claimed he “felt his life was in danger”. So he pulled his gun and fired five fatal shots, killing Martinez. This was even closer than the SWAT team in Penley’s case! Couldn’t he shoot to wound when he was two inches from Martinez? Couldn’t he shoot just once? What kind of maniac was he that he would discharge a weapon in a contained space in such close quarters? And what kind of lunatic would kill the person who was controlling a speeding car? He was “afraid he was going to die”, so he shoots the guy controlling the car, so it becomes an uncontrolled missile! Incidentally, nowhere is it mentioned that Byrne already had a charge against him for illegal discharge of his weapon against a black driver! The fact is that the case is nothing like what is claimed! The specifics may not be immediately obvious, but it does not fit their statements! But it does demonstrate the fact that police do shoot to kill just for kicks! The matter was dutifully dismissed by the local crook in robes, called a “judge”, again on the basis of the old dodge that “the officer felt he was in danger.” The police will get away with any violations of human rights, as long as they bleat, “I thought I was in danger!”

A month earlier, in July 2008, during one of the monthly Critical Mass bicycling processions through the streets of Manhattan, New York Police Officer Patrick Pagon was caught on camera body checking bicyclist Christopher Long. Pagon apparently singled out his victim from a distance. As Long approached, Pagon walked at first slowly, then more quickly, then, finally, ramming the bicyclist broadsides, knocking him to the ground. Incidentally, Long was charged with obstructing traffic as he lay on the street after being assaulted by Pagon! And, for good measure, as always when they want to whitewash one of the blue shirts’ sociopathic deviance, they slapped a resisting arrest on Long, even though Pagon is not shown to have tried to arrest him!

In April 2007, Mount Kisco Police Officer George Bubaris decided to have some fun. So he set out on a one man manhunt for a chronically drunk Hispanic illegal immigrant in the neighborhood, Rene Perez. Hunting him down by hearing of his calling from a coin laundry in the area, asking for a ride to a hospital, Bubaris picked Perez up, but instead, took him to an isolated lakeside area, then beat him severely and left him to die. When, later, his body was picked up, several officers were recorded playing phone tag with each other joking that he was coming back to life and was going to identify who attacked him. Finally, one officer decided to announce Perez’s death by singing the first line of “Don’t Walk Away, Rene”!

In early April 2006, a year before, Ringwood State Park police decided to show members of the local Ramapough Mountain tribe who was boss. So, when they caught Emil Mann ATV riding in the park, rather than give him a ticket, which is the required course of action, they shot him and killed him. Then they made up the usual lie about there being a “scuffle” and him “lunging” for the officer’s gun and, of course, the officer feeling “his life was threatened”. Interestingly, and revealingly, Mann was shot in the leg and in the chest, but on the Police and Law Enforcement Forum, they refer to Mann only being shot twice in the leg! How they intended to explain his dying from being shot in the leg isn’t clear, but it is in line with the standard blue shirt tactic of saying anything to clear themselves, even if it’s provably untrue!

And then there is the saga of Angilo Freeland. Stopped, local police sources insist, because he was “speeding”, he suddenly bolted from the scene into a wooded area. He was followed by the traffic officers Vernon Matthew Williams and Doug Speirs and Williams’ K-9 partner DiOGi. The next part of the story has Freeland supposedly shooting DiOGi, from concealment under a log, and hitting him in the chest and then shooting and hitting Williams in the right wrist, left bicep, right leg and upper right arm, then supposedly coming in and firing two shots into his head at close range. When Speirs moved to investigate, Freeland, it is claimed, fired at him from the woods, hitting him in the leg. He then called in backup and a SWAT team arrived. They reportedly searched the area that evening and into the night. The next morning, they claim, he was found hiding under a fallen tree stump less than 100 yards from the spot on the road where he had been stopped. No less than nine sheriff’s deputies surrounded him, they say, and ordered him to show his hands. He purportedly showed only one and someone insists that he saw a gun in the other hand. They then opened fire simultaneously, in all, firing more than 100 rounds at Freeland. Asked later why they fired more than 100 rounds at Freeland, the reptilian Polk County Sheriff, Grady Judd, quipped cold-bloodedly, “That’s all the bullets we had!” Why didn’t Freeland take advantage of the time it took for the SWAT team to arrive to run away from the area? Why didn’t the SWAT team find him in the area where they were specifically looking? Among the most important points, though, is why can someone supposedly on the lam manage to shoot police officers, from very far away, with much more accuracy than they can manage even fifteen feet away? They all claim they have to shoot to kill because they can’t guarantee they’ll hit someone’s arms or legs! Freeland, the police themselves are willing to state, was able to fire from underneath a downed tree and hit a moving target in the wrist, arm and leg? But, then, it is a truism of reputations built on lies that, eventually, to support one of the lies, you’ll have to undermine another!

No wonder so many people end up raped or killed or both because they are accosted by criminals pretending to be police! Because they know they run the risk of being killed even if they don’t resist arrest! They know if you even look at one of the blue shirts cross-eyed, they’ll kill you just for fun and the judges will let him get away with it because he’ll lie and say “he felt threatened”! The lives of the “rank and file” are becoming increasingly worthless and brutal subjugating force is becoming the sole product of government!

And it is epidemic throughout the congregation of surreptitiously corporate controlled states called “The Western democracies”. They are all becoming police states! Greece is still reeling from riots over two police officers killing
15-year-old Alexandros Grigoropoulos because he wouldn’t have sex with them and they claimed it was an “accident”. And, in Austria, they have a long-standing law that, if you deny the lie of the “Holocaust”, you can be put in prison!

In fact, there is a common thread of Jew oriented harassment of Gentiles in the recent eruption of police state manifestations. Stephen Buttafucoco was recently arrested for playing Muslim chants over the loudspeaker at a Jewish wedding and, more recently, New Jersey authorities removed Heath and Deborah Campbell’s children because the Campbells had named their son Adolph Hitler Campbell and their daughters JoyceLynn Aryan Nation and Honeszlynn Hinler Jeannie. The engineering of the events of September 11 by Mossad and the White House was the first start in the wholesale enslavement of the Gentiles by the Jews, by eliminating Constitutional guarantees. Creating a universal police state to keep Gentiles from demanding their rights is the next. After all, it’s the Jew judges who are dismissing charges against psychotic police officers across the country, just like the Jew bribed and Jew blackmailed politicians refuse to admit Jew atrocities against native populations. The police are getting away with murder by saying, “I thought I was in danger”, just like the Jews are getting away with butchering Palestinians in Gaza by saying, “We were under fire!” No one investigates the police claim, under the “excuse” of “Why would the officer lie?”, just like those in positions of authority don’t investigate Jew claims, under the “explanation” that “The Jews never lie!” And it’s not going to just be the whites who are raped by the Jews. From the Sixties on, the Jews colluded with Hispanic, Asian, Indian, black and other figures who termed themselves “civil rights leaders” to artificially enflame their communities to put pressure on the white communities, one of the first salvoes in enslaving the Gentile world. Changing “black” to “African American”, demanding “reparations”, requiring a redefining of qualifications and applying of quotas, changing “Indians” to “native Americans”. Once the whites were subjugated into a whimpering mass from fear of murder by the blacks and Hispanics, the Jews felt, it would be no problem to subdue the “niggers”! The “civil rights movement was nothing more than a planned program of pitting all the Gentile groups against each other, with the Jews standing malignantly by to pick up the pieces and enslave the survivors! There’s no “civil rights leader” minorities can trust not to rape them, to ensure Jew domination of mankind! Just watch the quisling performance of “house ‘nigger’” Obama with respect to the Jew butchery of the Palestinians! The blacks, Hispanics and other groups may feel they can rely on the Jews since so many of them signed up to facilitate their assault on white culture and civilization, but, in the end, the Jews are going to betray and rape them the way they do everyone who trusts them!

The people must begin admitting to themselves fundamental truths or risk the destruction of all human rights. Among the most important, that the Jews are enemies of all the non-Jews and are actively engaged in enslaving the Gentiles. Too, it must be admitted that the “democracies” are building toward a universal police state. The way to handle a disaster is to prevent it, not to wait for it to happen and hope you can clean up afterward.

Julian Penrod

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