Friday, January 30, 2009

Once More, Judaism Is Proved Not To Be A Religion But A Socio-Political Construct

January 28, 2009

Letters to the Editor

Dear sirs:

Those who respect the truth often complain about the tight grip the foul and malignant maintain on the facts of their machinations leaking out. But, if you're willing to admit what you see around you, you will soon find the truth everywhere. By the same token, though, a cursory consideration of matters runs the grave risk of failing to perceive the facts.

The chief rabbinate, what is described as Israel's highest Jewish body, has broken off relations with the Vatican "indefinitely" over the decision by Pope Benedict XVI's decision to rescind the excommunication of a number of bishops, including one who has expressed a disbelief in the "official story" of the "Holocaust". Bishop Richard Williamson, part of a breakaway faction that, among other things, refused to follow the "modernization" policies of the Second Ecumenical Council, also stated that he saw reason to give credence to the claim that Jews were gassed in the concentration camps and set the number of those who died at, at most, 300,000. In response the chief rabbinate stated, "It will be very difficult" for them to continue their dialogue with the Vatican unless the bishop recanted his "deplorable statements". Reportedly, huge numbers of Jews across the world have expressed extreme anger at the Church for this action.

Many who restrict their "appreciation" of events only to the most shallow and limited media depictions will interpret this to be the Vatican taking a risky, unwise and even illegitimate action in defiance of the rights of the Jews.

But is that really what has happened?

Excommunication, and "rehabilitation", or returning someone from excommunication, is a purely religious action and is based on purely religious circumstances. In this case, it was in response to the bishops remaining with the sect that eschewed Second Ecumenical Council changes, like saying the Mass in English! That was their "crime". Making statements about the "Holocaust" was never part of that! What has been "forgiven" is their insistence on things like saying the Mass in Latin. Nothing else! And the chief rabbinate is overstepping its assigned boundaries by interfering! They are trying to control how the Vatican carries out policies based on purely Catholic rules, something they would denounce any other religion trying to do to the Jews! Denying or questioning the "official story" of the "Holocaust" is not a sin, not if it is undertaken with a genuine skepticism about the "official story"! Only if it is motivated by prurient or ulterior motives can it be considered less than holy. But it is certainly not what the bishop was initially excommunicated for!

Nonetheless, the Jews are insisting on linking acceptance of the "official story" of the "Holocaust" with sanctity. As if you cannot be "holy" unless you accept the story they demand you accept about the events in Germany during World War II! They are equating a political issue with spirituality!

But, then, as they have insisted on relentlessly revealing to the world, they do link political machination with religion!

Like no other religion in the world, the Jews celebrate themselves more than their primary spiritual figures or even God! Hannukah is the Festival of Lights, essentially, their conquest over the Seleucid Empire. Passover is God not touching their families in Egypt, leading up to their release by Pharaoh. Purim is the re-enacting of the Book of Esther, a Jew who married the Persian King Xerxes and repeatedly interceded to gain favor for the Jews in his lands. Sukkot is also known as the "Feast of Booths", because it commemorated the Jews living in tiny huts during the wandering in the desert. Tenth of Tevet commemorates the start of the siege of Jerusalem in the book of Kings; the tithe of Animals is, essentially, the beginning of the fiscal year; and Yom Ha-atzmaut is Israel Independence Day. They don’t commemorate or memorialize the birth of Moses or Elijah or Abraham. The Buddhists, in contrast, celebrate the day Siddharta Gautama gained the enlightenment that made him the Buddha. Muslim holy days include the event of God stopping Abraham from making Isaac a human sacrifice and the event of Muhammed rising into heaven from the spot of the Dome of the Rock. The Hindu festival of Diwali celebrates Lord Rama returning from his exile in the forest, Dussehra is a general exalting of good finally conquering evil and Holi is a festival honoring creation and renewal. Even the pagan celebration of Solis Invinctus, the Unconquered Sun, celebrated eternal rejuvenation and the lengthening of days at the beginning of winter. No other major world religion makes the beginning of the fiscal year a religious festival! Even their Messiah is not a spiritual leader, but a military one!

Only the Jews make themselves so centrally the essence of their worship. They are their own religion!

If you criticize the Jews, you are anti-Semitic. They regularly characterize Germans as universally cold and officious; the French as rude and uncouth; the Catholics as inordinately pious to the point of dementia and all the Arabs as cruel and vicious, but say anything universal about the Jews and they term you a racist! If you even acknowledge any of the overt, noxious facts about them, such as that they are more present in banking, big business and entertainment than their presence in society would warrant, they call it anti-Semitic. They engineered for Austria to pass laws that would imprison you for simply questioning the veracity of the "official story" about the "Holocaust". Which is a violation to freedom of speech but, in governmental circles, the Jews control everything, even human rights of non-Jews.

They condemn "terrorists" firing on Israel as "targeting innocent civilians", yet cold-bloodedly brush off their own tendency to obliterate civilian populations with the "excuse" that "the 'terrorists' use civilians as human shields". Conveniently ignoring such facets as that every Israeli is conscripted into the Israeli army from birth, so there are no Jewish "civilians". And arranging with the media never to examine just how much Israel uses non-military population centers to surround their own military apparatus! They have a standing policy of relentless retaliation, brutally disproportionate response and a required ratio of Palestinian to Jew casualties that once used to be only 3 to 1 but has since skyrocketed to more than 30 to 1! And although they constantly accuse Gentiles of "racism", they routinely boycott all international meetings on racism, because the undisputed, but ruthlessly under-reported issue of Jew abominations against the Palestinians inevitably comes up. And Incidentally, look up census related categorizations of income. They classify income by age, race, sex, area of the country and even weight, but nowhere will you find a categorization of income by religion! Because they don’t want you to see that the average income for all the Jews is at least five times what it is for any other social group!

And consider their leprous demand of a “special relationship” with the United States. Every communication between the Jews and American politicians emphasizes a “special relationship” between Israel and the U.S. Again, anyone who addresses the issue in a shallow, cursory manner will conveniently interpret that to mean friendship between America and Israel. But consider what a “special relationship” would entail. America already is described by Washington as having the most amicable, amiable and accommodating attitude toward other nations. Washington defines America as the gold standard in hospitable and considerate treatment of other nations. Only America, Washington asserts, treats every other nation decently giving every other country their appropriate and just due. What, then, would a “special relationship” consist of? If you already show the utmost fairness to every nation, how would you go about giving more to any? If you already display the very essence of honor and justice in dealing with others, for someone to demand a “special relationship” is for them to insist on being treated better than they deserve! And that is the nature of Israel’s relationship with the United States, demanding to be treated better than they deserve! And that happens with pustulent regularity! Israel bombs another nation’s territory; Israel invades another nation and slaughters resident by the thousands in response to the kidnapping of just two soldiers; they assassinate world leaders; they require America’s crooks in office to call them “America’s friend” but they have done absolutely nothing to improve the United State’s situation or the quality of life of Americans!

And, if you call for America to establish a normal relationship with Israel, in other words, to give Israel exactly their due, treat them no better and no worse than any other nation, and require them to abide by the same rules in international relationships demanded by international law, in other words, if you insist that Washington treat Israel like every other nation, the Jews would call you anti-Semitic!

In the end, Judaism is not a religion. It is a socio-political construct, a calculated compilation of shared elements of heritage, bound by an almost cult-like emphasis on the temporal and logistic, masquerading as “God’s word”, all intended to facilitate unified manipulation of community resources toward the purpose of the clandestine enslavement of the non-Jews. They only celebrate themselves. God is, at best, a decoration in the background of the story of the Jews. They eschew faith and principle for reliance solely in the material and the acquisitive. But they define that as “faith” and “principle”. Where spiritual depth is the goal for other religions, a strict and, frankly, self-serving and non-Jew denouncing system of laws is the goal for Judaism. In addition to events in their history, they make features of the administrative organization of government the basis for holy days!

To trust the Jews to be anything more than conniving, scheming back stabbers is not only to deny the reality of past history but also to invite being betrayed yet again! Judaism is not a religion but a crime ring codified to resemble a religion! And to deny that is to ask to be raped! To trust the undeserving is like holding a snake by the tail. Eventually, it will whip back around and strike you!

Julian Penrod

Wednesday, January 21, 2009

Dear Abby And The NWO

Letters to the Editor

Dear sirs:

As low as it is to engage in the malignant and foul, is it just as bad to be aware of them and not acknowledge it.

The January 20, 2009 Dear Abby "contribution" to culture revolves around the wedding reception for a vegetarian couple. "Future Mother-In-Law" writes that her daughter and her future husband are planning on serving an all vegetarian meal at their wedding reception. She says her husband, who, as the father of the bride, is paying for the entire fiasco, feels she should provide some meat dishes for those who are not practicing vegetarians. Dear Abby's by now characteristically quisling response is that it's the bride and groom's wedding and they should be allowed to handle it any way they want. Even if it is uncaring for or disrespectful of their guests. "If your husband is concerned about what will be served", Dear Abby replies cravenly, "he should eat before going to the wedding." She then finishes with the reptlianly cold-blooded, "Please tell him I said so and let him chew on that."

To begin with, use the correct term. "Future Mother-In-Law", her daughter and future son-in-law use the term "Vegan" for vegetarian. "Vegan" means you are from the star Vega. The correct term is "vegetarian". "Vegan" is just another insipid, commercially contrived term, aimed at resonating with the dim-wittedly gullible and malignantly, vapidly trendy. Reflective of the kind of gratuitously insular attitude of those who cannot muster feelings for others that also expresses itself in forcing them to join in a pattern of behavior that oppresses them.

Even more pernicious, though, is the general attitude displayed of utter contempt for others. "This will be your daughter's day, not your husband's", Dear Abby slithers. What if it's more than just her husband? What if a lot of people will be inconvenienced or even discomfitted by it? What if they are her friends? She is forcing others to join in her arbitrarily chosen lifestyle! That is utterly disrespectful of others who will be attending and completely contemptuous of her father. Doesn't she have the kind of love for him that would lead to her wanting to accommodate his wishes? For that matter, how did she live with them with her vegetarian preferences and his apparent wish to eat meat? Did she hole herself up in her room, like the cult convert she is, poisoning herself with her mind destroying regimen? She evidently seeks to divorce herself utterly from the rest of the family, taking up the totally vegetarian lifestyle and even taking on the calculatedly imprecise term "Vegan"! And then the loathsome Dear Abby tosses in the vicious "let him chew on that"! As if the father is asking something unreasonable or unjustifiable!

In fact, that is par for the course for many pursuits, these days, embracing and even promoting the arrogant and vicious! Since the days of Reagan, the general sentiment of the "conservative" has been unbridled venom toward those they can't count on to enrich them or benefit them. It began with dismissing union members rather than honor legitimate employment demands; it grew to outsourcing to avoid paying legitimate wages; it came to include terminating employees if they didn't engage in the arbitrary lifestyle the boss endorsed, in their off hours; and eventually embraced the general government policy of bullyingly attacking smaller nations, ruining life for their citizens and stealing their resources. Dear Abby claims to be promoting manners. Well, manners include considering other people's feelings, too! Satisfying one person's wishes should never come at the expense of sacrificing someone else's! There's never a day off to being mannered and considerate! Dear Abby used to understand and express this, before the entire conniving enterprise became a tool of societal engineering, endorsing the idea that arrogant and contemptuous behavior was the personal and valid choice of the malignant!

If anyone knows the identity of "Future Mother-In-Law", they should contact her husband and tell him not to foot the bill for the wedding! If her father, as with most parents of the bride, is paying for the wedding, he should pull out all his financial support right now! He shouldn't be paying for a party that doesn't consider his feelings! Let him leave up to his syphilitic whore of a daughter to see how it feels not being considered! If she wants to deny certain types of food to her guests, let her pay for it! He should be counseled not even to attend at all! Start her selfish life out appropriately! Her friends should be alerted, too, that she doesn't have the respect for them to let them eat what they want and they should be counseled to stay away, too!

And, for that matter, everyone should be advised never to consult with or read Dear Abby ever again!

Remember when, for the majority of people, to be classy and courteous was more important than to be self-serving and self-absorbed? Today, for many brides, the idea is that it's "their day". Every day is everybody's day! They can have some more latitude, but not when it encroaches on ruining someone else's experience! It's supposed to be her father's day, too! How is he going to feel, walking her down the aisle, knowing she has so little respect for his wishes?

For far too long the right wing "conservative" ideology of "My way or the highway" has held sway, subject, for the most part, to nothing more than annoyed bemusement by those who knew it was a God-hating and diseased manifestation of depraved arrogance. And it has left the earth with a bloody and festering social scar that will not be healed even a millenium from now! We are all our brother's keeper, but that has been brushed aside with the ruthless and relentless maxim of "Me first"! Aided and abetted by the leprous Dear Abby! The attitude has to be denounced and condemned, treated as the perverted and depraved machination of the criminal enterprise called "corporate America" to faciltiate the abominations they intended to use to initiate the New World Order. Nothing less than humanity's future rests on exposing that sentiment for the wretched and deviant manifestation it is! Illimitable damage has already been done in its name, if action is not taken to expose its malignance now, soon, the harm will be so great, undoing it could be unlikely if not impossible!

Julian Penrod

Monday, January 19, 2009

Flight 1549; September 11; Dale Earnhardt, Sr. And The Digital TV Switchover

Letters to the Editor

Dear sirs:

There can be many levels to an issue, and, unless you look at all of them, you cannot necessarily be said completely to understand it.

When deceit becomes a regular tool of governance, it is crucial for the public to be able to recognize lies for what they are. Immeasurable pain, and a blighting of the American image that will hound the country for the next thousand years, could have been thwarted if more people had been able to perceive that a rag-tag group of "militant" malcontents could and would never have arranged an event like September 11! They would never take the risk of calling down upon themselves the guaranteed military might that such an act would produce! Only shallow and insipid dullards would believe that another group would necessarily think that bringing down the Twin Towers would incapacitate America and leave it open to attack! The only ones who would brave that would be those behind the gun, controlling the military, so they would know the force would not be exerted against them! In the same way, if more people were something better than drunken, drooling addicts of football, video games and "reality TV", they would have perceived early on that a nation like Iraq doesn't display the kind of infrastructure necessary for a massive program of banned weapons systems development! The rancid, reeking stupidity of a plurality, if not the majority, of Americans regularly condemns the nation to the depredations of those running the biggest white-collar criminal enterprise in history, Washington, D.C.!

And now comes another opportunity for the public to prove themselves able to see through deceit, but which the majority will use to prove themselves hopelessly and recklessly dim.

Every single aspect of the "crashing" of Flight 1594 is a palpable proof that it is a lie.

They claim it was caused by a "bird strike". In blatant defiance of the fact that jets record having collided with birds at least tens of thousands of times over the decades, yet not one was brought down by it! Over the years, pilots even have joked grimly about it, comparing someone without a chance in the world with geese sucked into a jet engine! Even birds hitting small prop planes have not created anything like a sizable record of crashes! And that is all ignoring the fact that flocks of birds would avoid huge objects like jets heading towards them. Liars trying to promote the idea of the jet being brought down by a bird invoke ideas such as that modern jets have "quiet" engines. A "whisper" jet is one that causes a minimal amount of noise at ground level, but when you are in the air near it, it still sounds like a locomotive! And even if the birds didn't hear the jet, it is still laughably impossible that they wouldn't have seen it! To continue the program of intellectual insult, however, such venues as MSNBC have produced a computer generated "re-enactment" of the incident. The dullards aimed at for deception will be dutifully stupid enough to believe the "re-enactment" is footage of the actual events. And part of the "re-enactment" shows a group of geese actually flying toward the jet, head on!

And if bird strikes are as prevalent and dangerous as the liars intend to convince the gullible they are, why didn’t engineers develop means of preventing them long ago?

But, emerging facets such as people claiming they heard explosions from the jet overhead are strongly arguing against a bird strike. Even if a goose could cause some damage to a jet engine, it couldn’t make it explode! Nor could it cause the engine to fall from the plane, which is what is claimed happened with Flight 1549!

And consider the "crash" itself. Ditching, no matter how it's done, can take a tremendous toll on an aircraft. They are not built like tanks! Yet there was no sign of any damage to the fuselage. In fact, it was incredibly, even non-credibly, buoyant! And even as the supposed mass of passengers moved all forward in the plane, the nose of the plane never submerged! And, although they all exited by the passenger doors, the passengers all somehow managed move back along the fuselage and congregate on the wings, twenty feet away from the exits! Claims will be made that they exited emergency doors or window exits at the wings, but the question remains why they would recommend as questionable a tactic as marching everyone out onto the wings! But wing exits don’t seem obvious in later pictures, not even in pictures of the passengers standing on the wings. And why not keep them inside until the boats were ready to pick them up, then send them out a few at a time! And, again, why isn’t there any film of them going out onto the wings? What don’t they want the public to know about that lunatic measure?

And, for that matter, if you think it's possible to keep even an empty shell of a plane afloat with the weight of 150 people standing on its wings, try re-creating the scene in a bucket!

And, while the networks displayed innumerable hours of footage from individuals' cell phones and video cameras, there was not one inch of film shot on-the-spot by any network's news ‘copter or traffic chopper!

Nor, even, did any of the "passengers" from the "downed" jet show any sign of trauma from the "ordeal". Shills invoked the concept of "delayed reaction", but one or another from more than 150 people should have shown some sign of shaking or nervousness! And while they were gratuitously shown in close-up, boarding the boats and draped in the gratuitously emblazoned Red Cross blankets, there is absolutely no film from any news choppers of them leaving the plane!

And where is the pilot, Chesley Sullenberger? More than four days have passed and no one even knows what his voice really sounds like! And all they show is the one studio shot of him in uniform! They bring forward some people they claim to be his “family”, who talk highly of him, but not once do they display even some family photos of him, to prove he’s an actual human being and not a Photoshopped image! It doesn’t take this long to debrief a pilot!

All of these things minimize the significance, too, of the fact of supposed truthful venues like the news networks calling this a "miracle". Or the corporate fact that no news network ever before allowed itself to get caught using another company's tag line for a story! But CNN, New Jersey's News12, The New York Post and New Jersey's Daily Record, to name only a few, all referred to this as "The Miracle On The Hudson" or "The Miracle On The Hudson River"!

All of it has an uneasy resemblance to another event, at the beginning of Bush’s tenure. Namely, the events of September 11! Those involved commercial jets, and one occurred in New York City. There were as many inconsistent and disagreeing reports of the “white plane” that hit the Pentagon as there are inexplicable reports about Flight 1549! Some people report one explosion on the plane, others report two. People on the ground say they heard an explosion, but a bird hitting an engine would not cause an explosion! And, in the wake of the incident, websites and comment boards were flooded with right wing calls for the total extermination of all geese, “to protect air travelers”, just like the internet saw innumerable cries for a Muslim genocide, “to protect Americans”, just after September 11.

Planes being accused of bringing down a skyscraper, and a goose accused of bringing down a plane! Both equally physically impossible. But, also, both being lapped up greedily by the dullards in the population!

It could be said that, in some way, this was intended as some kind of “boilerplate” to Bush’s regime, forming with September 11 the two defining endpoints of his tenure.

But there is another incident which seems more likely the matching “boilerplate” event for Flight 1549, equally enigmatic and unexplainable, with eminently suspicious facets that those in positions of authority are doing their best to downplay or ignore totally.

That is the last race of Dale Earnhardt, Sr.!

Occurring only a couple of weeks after Bush’s inauguration, just as this is only about a week before Obama’s, Dale Earnhardt’s fate is just as questionable. Those who remember it will recall it taking place at the NASCAR Winston Cup Race, in Florida. Traveling at about 140 mph, Earnhardt’s car suddenly started a skidding completely unknown in any other such race. Apparently sliding along the track sideways, it even caught up with and passed the lead car. Pointed toward the wall, Earnhardt’s car seemed to “recover” and, although still moving about 130 mph sideways, started moving at about 20 mph. Toward the wall. When it reached the wall, its motion forward was stopped, of course, but it kept moving sideways, until it skidded finally to a stop. The incident was claimed to have caused Earnhardt’s death. Drivers walk away unscathed from their cars bursting into flame and flying twenty feet into the air and landing on their canopies. Earnhardt’s car barely lost any paint from scraping the wall, and this was supposed to have killed him!

And, of course, the illimitably gullible buy every deceitful word!

For example, they all lined up to dim-wittedly describe the event as Earnhardt’s car “colliding with the wall at 140 mph”. Of course colliding with the wall at 140 mph would kill you, they insisted archly. But, when you speak of “colliding with a wall at 140 mph”, you are referring to a complicated collection of events, including the car’s motion being entirely straight into the wall and the wall slowing the car from 140 mph to 0 in a fraction of a second. All of the energy being lost so quickly can cause a significant effect on the driver. But while Earnhardt’s car did touch the wall, traveling straight, most of his energy was going sideways! He lost only 20 mph by his straightforward motion into the wall! The rest of his energy continued sideways! A collision at 20 mph has never been credited with killing a NASCAR driver! And, except for the fact that Earnhardt was facing the wall and skidding sideways, his situation was identical to that experienced numerous by drivers! Their cars face along the track and most of their energy is directed that way, but they drift slightly sideways. When they reach the wall, they literally collide, sideways, with the wall and that stops their skidding sideways, but the bulk of their energy continues forward along the racetrack! And none have ever died from that! It’s called “exchanging paint” with the wall!

But the gullible were just as mentally incompetent to realize this and as uselessly willing to believe what they were told to believe as they are unable to perceive the suspicious aspects about Flight 1549 and dully ready to embrace what they are ordered to insult what remnants of intelligence they possess with!

The Earnhardt incident was a truly mild occurrence, yet with a claimed fatality, and Flight 1549 was a supposedly significant event with no fatalities!

Inculcating the aimless, dull-witted qualities Obama will need to carry out the clandestine perpetuation of Bush’s leprous heritage! Republican regimes carry out their swindles amidst unrelenting atmospheres of fear and craven acquisitiveness. Basically mirroring their own inherently corporate malignance. Democrats, too, have scams, but these are presented in atmosphere of genuine hope and upbeatness. That’s the Democrats’ trademarked approach. They both steal from the “rank and file”, but they do it in different ways. Bush’s administration was a time of blood, Obama’s is being sold to us as a time of optimism. So Bush started out with a big name, especially to the drunken, wife beating “NASCAR Dad” subculture that formed his political base, dying when he shouldn’t have. Obama has a whole crowd of “just plain folks” all surviving a monstrous accident!

A point to consider. One of the first signs of Obama’s regime being just another fleecing of the people is the government sanction wholesale switchover to digital television broadcasting on February 17. The very fact of something so draconian automatically made it suspicious. The fact of it being another massive alteration in the society being forced on the public by those the leaders want us to believe we elected, made it notorious, at least among those whose brains aren’t mildewed from “reality TV”. The fact that it took place on such an unobvious date, though, was eminently questionable! Why not January 1, 2009? Why not January 20, 2009, when Obama took power?

Importantly, the switchover, February 17, will be exactly four weeks to the day after Obama’s inauguration!

And, equally significant, the Dale Earnhardt, Sr. incident took place on February 18, 2001!

Unfortunately, the majority of Americans seem so wantonly slothful and aberrantly gullible that they will never realize these facts for themselves. Instead, they depend on government and “religion” and “science” and the media to do their thinking for them. A scenario is set up and they slavishly march along. It can be bright and encouraging, or it can even be dark and despairing. The public are encouraged to think that all people automatically shun the ugly and frightful, but, in fact, huge swaths actually find that depravedly comforting! The ones in positions of authority are aware of that, and model their regimes accordingly! None of them ever really seem to pursue more than the one-third or so who always seem to be either dull-wittedly pliable by good news or the one-third or so who are dim-wittedly malleable by fear, and the one-third or so who will swing whichever way the media tells them to swing!

In fact, the Obama Administration was contrived from the moment the Democrats suspiciously brought him out of total obscurity and utter lack of exposure to be the keynote speaker at the 2004 convention, then, when people were still unsure even of his name, launching the lie that he had “rock star” status! Since many people were already weary of Bush’s abominations, it was easy for the bribed or blackmailed voting authorities to fabricate voting records to make the gullible believe Obama was “the people’s choice”. And, now, the Democrats’ turn to rape the “rank and file” will begin with their standard depiction of bad things turning out good, even without our trying hard!

Those who choose to believe the lie of Flight 1549 are automatically making themselves slaves of the new regime and offering themselves and theirs up to be raped bloody! The people must admit to themselves, finally, that everything government tells them must not be trusted. That Washington exists only to facilitate the rich robbing the “rank and file”! If they do not acknowledge the basically craven and corrupt machinations that define Washington, D.C., they will be only asking to be abused further! To extend trust to the untrustworthy is like taking a snake by the tail. Eventually, it will whip about and bite you!

Julian Penrod

Saturday, January 17, 2009

The Emerging Universal Police State

January 15, 2009

Letters to the Editor

Dear sirs:

There can be many levels to an issue, and, unless you look at all of them, you cannot necessarily be said completely to understand it.

A hot issue, with at least the seeds of a massive undermining impact within it, is the New Year's Day shooting at the Bay Area Rapid Transit, BART, Fruitvale station in California. Oscar Grant III, a supermarket worker, supposedly was on a train where some violence had broken out and a number of BART cops had dispatched to the area. For some unexplained reason, they included Mr. Grant among those they brought down, even though he put up no resistance. Piling on him, applying a choke hold, they got him on the ground. Then, Officer Johannes Mehserle pulled his service revolver, aimed it at Grant's back and fired. The incident may have only been passed off as a random, insiginificant incident, if not that it was caught on security camera and at least one person made a recording on their cell phone. And the rest of the officers failed to confiscate that phone in their desperate attempt to shut the issue up.

In a determined attempt to defraud the public, the BART police fabricated the claim that Mehserle thought he was reaching for his taser and mistook his gun for it. Leaving aside the fact that Grant apparently wasn't even overpowering the other officers dog piled on him, which is the only reason they would use a taser, other glaring facets strongly argue against that claim. Including that officers are supposed to be trained to know which weapon is in the hand at any time. Or that tasers are carried on the opposite side of the body from the weapon. Or that tasers have a completely different shape from the service revolver. Or that it's necessary to load a round into the chamber of a service weapon before firing it. Unfortunately, a number of these facets are unknown to the public and others can be answered with the simple claim by Mehserle that he got confused, after which he will clam up to avoid revealling that he is lying.

One point, however, is crucial in deciding whether this was an error or deliberate abuse of power.

Guns work at a distance from the body and can even function poorly if discharged right in contact with the body. Tasers, on the other hand, are useless unless they are in direct contact with the body.

Mehserle unloaded his gun when it was about four inches away from Grant!

More than that, though, consider other facets of the story that the “crusading press” studiously avoided mentioning!

Such as, for example, even if Mehserle didn’t know he had a pistol in his hand, not a taser, one of the clutch of other officers around him would have seen and told him! Why aren’t any of them being held for failing to discharge their duty and keep him from making a mistake?

And, consider the utterly condemnatory fact that two police officers to the right side of the scene of the murder are standing with their backs turned away! If the situation was so desperate that Mehserle needed to draw his taser, supposedly, why aren’t they participating. Why are they standing guard for the abomination, their backs turned on the crime, watching along the platform to make sure no one stops Mehserle’s crime? One officer turns briefly toward the scuffle, then disinterestedly turns away! Then, and even more significantly, when Mehserle fires at Grant, the officers to the side of the scene don’t even flinch! Look at the tape and you’ll see it! A shot goes off behind their backs and the officers aren’t startled and don’t even walk back to the scene to see if the other officers need help! It’s as if they knew ahead of time that the killing was going to take place! Look at the tape and you will see it! And no one in the media brought this up!

In fact, Mehserle knew he didn't have a taser in his hand! He knew he was committing cold blooded murder! He's nothing but a vicious sociopath who joined the police because he had caught wind of the fact that police departments across the country were going to start permitting and even facilitating wholesale bloody abuse of power! Because the country is in the process of being turned into a dictatorial police state! And they want just the right breed of depraved, deviate psychopath in the ranks of the hitmen for the High Command!

The signs of the ingraining of a culture of a ruthless and vicious police state have been obvious for some time now.

It includes but goes far beyond the police substituting unloading half a hundred rounds into Sean Bell for ordering him to stop his car.

It includes 250 pound, 6’ 1” Chicago officer Anthony Abbate viciously beating and kicking a 5’ 4” female bartender because she told him he had already had too much to drink.

It’s Florida police who tasered University of Florida student Andrew Meyer when he started asking former presidential candidate John Kerry questions that threatened to demonstrate there is no difference between the Democrats and the Republicans.

It’s the New York police, who went on a ticket writing spree, targeting, among other things, a man who was sitting on a milk crate and a pregnant woman who was sitting on subway steps.

Claiming they were acting to bust up a drug ring, Maryland police staged a home invasion of Berwyn Heights mayor, Cheye Calvo. They handcuffed the mayor, evidently assaulted his mother-in-law and apparently murdered his two dogs for sport, shooting one in the back while it was running away. A God-hating judge acquitted the officers for killing the two dogs, accepting without question or challenge their statement that “they felt threatened”. This is going to be used as the catch phrase for the upcoming epidemic of cold-blooded murder as the police stage their takeover of the nation. Several U.S. military, for sport, threw an unarmed Iraqi man into the Tigris and watched laughing while he drowned. They were later cleared by a God-hating military judge because they claimed “they felt threatened”!

In 2006, apparently troubled teenager, Christopher David Penley, arrived at his school with a pellet gun. A SWAT team was immediately summoned and they soon cornered him in a bathroom. The team claim he raised the weapon and they couldn’t tell whether it was real or not, so they unleashed a full barrage of gunfire, all but cutting him in two. Complaints of the team not taking enough pains not to use disproportionate force were met by objections from pro police state quislings that the police couldn’t control where their shots would go and had to do what was necessary to protect themselves.

This, however, is what makes the story of Border Patrol Agents Ignacio Ramos and Jose Campeon suspicious! In their case, they were supposedly trying to detain a Mexican drug lord when he broke away. Firing at the drug lord, fleeing and zig-zagging, more than a hundred yards away, they were able to hit him squarely and precisely in the buttocks! They were taken into custody and charged for unnecessary use of force. Subsequently, any number of sociopaths masquerading as “patriots” termed Ramos and Campeon “heroes” and demanded they be exonerated. The Florida SWAT couldn’t wound a young man ten feet away, holed up in a bathroom, because “they can’t control where their shots go”, but Ramos and Campeon can manage a precise shot at a zig-zagging man more than 300 feet away! In fact, Ramos and Campeon were engaged in a drug deal and, when they didn’t get what they wanted, they tried to kill the courier!

Just a few months earlier than Penley’s case, a heavy set, mentally disturbed man waving a knife in a street in New Orleans found himself surrounding by at least a half a dozen police, all with guns raised. The scene was photographed by a nearby individual with a camcorder. The police herded the man with the knife along by moving in tandem and, when he had finally moved behind an obstruction and could no longer be filmed, they opened fire and killed him. For their “excuse” they claimed he had “lunged” at them. Leaving aside the patent inanity of the idea that he waited until he was behind an obstruction to lunge at them, there again is the question of why a clutch of police, none of them more than ten feet from as wide a target as the man, couldn’t wound him! If he had been dropping off their regular delivery of drugs, they would be able to!

Less than two months after Hurricane Katrina decimated New Orleans and police presence there had been ramped up at least 100%, a gang of thugs decided to have some fun beating up a nigger. So they found someone they could place a borderline charge against, Robert Davis, whom they charged with “public intoxication”. Carrying out the unnecessary, even illegal, act of handcuffing him for so minor an “infraction”, they got him upset enough to fight back against the thugs in blue breaking the law. With that as their “excuse” they jumped into action, four of the bullies dog piling on Davis, while mounted police put their horses between the scene and news cameras recording the police criminality. Two of the officers involved, who turned out to be federal agents, were not even convicted. Of the remaining officers, one had his conviction overturned, after another committed suicide.

Almost exactly three years later, to the day, two police stopped Ruben Martinez in Denville and accused him of driving intoxicated. The incidents that followed, as indicated by the camera mounted in the police car, had the two officers standing next to the open driver side door of the car. Suddenly one officer, Richard Byrne, reaches in and, after he does, the car lurches and drives out of the scene. The end of the incident was that the motorist, Ruben Martinez, ended up shot five times at close range by Byrne and the car ended up driving into a nearby swimming pool. The officers’ “explanation” was that Martinez had supposedly put the car in gear and Byrne had reached in to grab his keys. Next, we are ordered to believe, Martinez tried to flee the scene and Officer Byrne was pulled along with him. Using the wheeze which has become standard for cops trying to escape charges of unlawful use of force, Byrne claimed he “felt his life was in danger”. So he pulled his gun and fired five fatal shots, killing Martinez. This was even closer than the SWAT team in Penley’s case! Couldn’t he shoot to wound when he was two inches from Martinez? Couldn’t he shoot just once? What kind of maniac was he that he would discharge a weapon in a contained space in such close quarters? And what kind of lunatic would kill the person who was controlling a speeding car? He was “afraid he was going to die”, so he shoots the guy controlling the car, so it becomes an uncontrolled missile! Incidentally, nowhere is it mentioned that Byrne already had a charge against him for illegal discharge of his weapon against a black driver! The fact is that the case is nothing like what is claimed! The specifics may not be immediately obvious, but it does not fit their statements! But it does demonstrate the fact that police do shoot to kill just for kicks! The matter was dutifully dismissed by the local crook in robes, called a “judge”, again on the basis of the old dodge that “the officer felt he was in danger.” The police will get away with any violations of human rights, as long as they bleat, “I thought I was in danger!”

A month earlier, in July 2008, during one of the monthly Critical Mass bicycling processions through the streets of Manhattan, New York Police Officer Patrick Pagon was caught on camera body checking bicyclist Christopher Long. Pagon apparently singled out his victim from a distance. As Long approached, Pagon walked at first slowly, then more quickly, then, finally, ramming the bicyclist broadsides, knocking him to the ground. Incidentally, Long was charged with obstructing traffic as he lay on the street after being assaulted by Pagon! And, for good measure, as always when they want to whitewash one of the blue shirts’ sociopathic deviance, they slapped a resisting arrest on Long, even though Pagon is not shown to have tried to arrest him!

In April 2007, Mount Kisco Police Officer George Bubaris decided to have some fun. So he set out on a one man manhunt for a chronically drunk Hispanic illegal immigrant in the neighborhood, Rene Perez. Hunting him down by hearing of his calling from a coin laundry in the area, asking for a ride to a hospital, Bubaris picked Perez up, but instead, took him to an isolated lakeside area, then beat him severely and left him to die. When, later, his body was picked up, several officers were recorded playing phone tag with each other joking that he was coming back to life and was going to identify who attacked him. Finally, one officer decided to announce Perez’s death by singing the first line of “Don’t Walk Away, Rene”!

In early April 2006, a year before, Ringwood State Park police decided to show members of the local Ramapough Mountain tribe who was boss. So, when they caught Emil Mann ATV riding in the park, rather than give him a ticket, which is the required course of action, they shot him and killed him. Then they made up the usual lie about there being a “scuffle” and him “lunging” for the officer’s gun and, of course, the officer feeling “his life was threatened”. Interestingly, and revealingly, Mann was shot in the leg and in the chest, but on the Police and Law Enforcement Forum, they refer to Mann only being shot twice in the leg! How they intended to explain his dying from being shot in the leg isn’t clear, but it is in line with the standard blue shirt tactic of saying anything to clear themselves, even if it’s provably untrue!

And then there is the saga of Angilo Freeland. Stopped, local police sources insist, because he was “speeding”, he suddenly bolted from the scene into a wooded area. He was followed by the traffic officers Vernon Matthew Williams and Doug Speirs and Williams’ K-9 partner DiOGi. The next part of the story has Freeland supposedly shooting DiOGi, from concealment under a log, and hitting him in the chest and then shooting and hitting Williams in the right wrist, left bicep, right leg and upper right arm, then supposedly coming in and firing two shots into his head at close range. When Speirs moved to investigate, Freeland, it is claimed, fired at him from the woods, hitting him in the leg. He then called in backup and a SWAT team arrived. They reportedly searched the area that evening and into the night. The next morning, they claim, he was found hiding under a fallen tree stump less than 100 yards from the spot on the road where he had been stopped. No less than nine sheriff’s deputies surrounded him, they say, and ordered him to show his hands. He purportedly showed only one and someone insists that he saw a gun in the other hand. They then opened fire simultaneously, in all, firing more than 100 rounds at Freeland. Asked later why they fired more than 100 rounds at Freeland, the reptilian Polk County Sheriff, Grady Judd, quipped cold-bloodedly, “That’s all the bullets we had!” Why didn’t Freeland take advantage of the time it took for the SWAT team to arrive to run away from the area? Why didn’t the SWAT team find him in the area where they were specifically looking? Among the most important points, though, is why can someone supposedly on the lam manage to shoot police officers, from very far away, with much more accuracy than they can manage even fifteen feet away? They all claim they have to shoot to kill because they can’t guarantee they’ll hit someone’s arms or legs! Freeland, the police themselves are willing to state, was able to fire from underneath a downed tree and hit a moving target in the wrist, arm and leg? But, then, it is a truism of reputations built on lies that, eventually, to support one of the lies, you’ll have to undermine another!

No wonder so many people end up raped or killed or both because they are accosted by criminals pretending to be police! Because they know they run the risk of being killed even if they don’t resist arrest! They know if you even look at one of the blue shirts cross-eyed, they’ll kill you just for fun and the judges will let him get away with it because he’ll lie and say “he felt threatened”! The lives of the “rank and file” are becoming increasingly worthless and brutal subjugating force is becoming the sole product of government!

And it is epidemic throughout the congregation of surreptitiously corporate controlled states called “The Western democracies”. They are all becoming police states! Greece is still reeling from riots over two police officers killing
15-year-old Alexandros Grigoropoulos because he wouldn’t have sex with them and they claimed it was an “accident”. And, in Austria, they have a long-standing law that, if you deny the lie of the “Holocaust”, you can be put in prison!

In fact, there is a common thread of Jew oriented harassment of Gentiles in the recent eruption of police state manifestations. Stephen Buttafucoco was recently arrested for playing Muslim chants over the loudspeaker at a Jewish wedding and, more recently, New Jersey authorities removed Heath and Deborah Campbell’s children because the Campbells had named their son Adolph Hitler Campbell and their daughters JoyceLynn Aryan Nation and Honeszlynn Hinler Jeannie. The engineering of the events of September 11 by Mossad and the White House was the first start in the wholesale enslavement of the Gentiles by the Jews, by eliminating Constitutional guarantees. Creating a universal police state to keep Gentiles from demanding their rights is the next. After all, it’s the Jew judges who are dismissing charges against psychotic police officers across the country, just like the Jew bribed and Jew blackmailed politicians refuse to admit Jew atrocities against native populations. The police are getting away with murder by saying, “I thought I was in danger”, just like the Jews are getting away with butchering Palestinians in Gaza by saying, “We were under fire!” No one investigates the police claim, under the “excuse” of “Why would the officer lie?”, just like those in positions of authority don’t investigate Jew claims, under the “explanation” that “The Jews never lie!” And it’s not going to just be the whites who are raped by the Jews. From the Sixties on, the Jews colluded with Hispanic, Asian, Indian, black and other figures who termed themselves “civil rights leaders” to artificially enflame their communities to put pressure on the white communities, one of the first salvoes in enslaving the Gentile world. Changing “black” to “African American”, demanding “reparations”, requiring a redefining of qualifications and applying of quotas, changing “Indians” to “native Americans”. Once the whites were subjugated into a whimpering mass from fear of murder by the blacks and Hispanics, the Jews felt, it would be no problem to subdue the “niggers”! The “civil rights movement was nothing more than a planned program of pitting all the Gentile groups against each other, with the Jews standing malignantly by to pick up the pieces and enslave the survivors! There’s no “civil rights leader” minorities can trust not to rape them, to ensure Jew domination of mankind! Just watch the quisling performance of “house ‘nigger’” Obama with respect to the Jew butchery of the Palestinians! The blacks, Hispanics and other groups may feel they can rely on the Jews since so many of them signed up to facilitate their assault on white culture and civilization, but, in the end, the Jews are going to betray and rape them the way they do everyone who trusts them!

The people must begin admitting to themselves fundamental truths or risk the destruction of all human rights. Among the most important, that the Jews are enemies of all the non-Jews and are actively engaged in enslaving the Gentiles. Too, it must be admitted that the “democracies” are building toward a universal police state. The way to handle a disaster is to prevent it, not to wait for it to happen and hope you can clean up afterward.

Julian Penrod

Monday, January 12, 2009

The Second Corollary

There is an ancient truism, as valuable as any other in its insight into the world, but, at times like now, of a critical importance matched by few others. Its general applicability and fundamental significance places it among the most important of what are termed "rules of thumb". In contrast to so many other dicta and tenets, however, its depth and breadth are immense and, unlike mere cautionary maxims, it does not only warn what not to do, it actually provides a schema for success.

And most out there will never have heard it! Indeed, the very nature of the world over the past few decades points to an all but determined and willful attempt to eliminate it.

It states, basically, the only reliable way to solve a problem is to understand the truth about it.

To be sure, it is simple, straightforward and reasonable. A direct statement of circumstances. The truth can be like that. But there has been an active effort for some time to instill suspicion and even mistrust in inherently evident sentiments. Those in positions of influence desire a populace mistrusting both of the legitimacy of their basic feelings and their ability to understand the world.

Too, faith in the indications of this tenet would lead to dire realizations about so much of the man-made world about you.

Because the truism has two corollaries. One states that, if a particular methodology yields consistent success in solving the facets of a difficulty, you must be tapping into the fundamental reality of the situation. The second corollary state that, if you are not having success in solving a problem, then the rules you are working by must be false!

If there is any condition that defines the world of the past almost forty years it is that of an "unsolved problem". There are many today who do not realize it, and maybe even think it impossible, but, at one time, the future was bright and optimistic. The general attitude around the world was positive and hopeful. To be sure, there were conflicts, but the overall feeling was that a way existed to straighten everything out and, as mankind progressed, they were brought, inevitably, closer and closer to achieving that goal. Dawn unfailingly arriving and dispelling any fear was a constant subtext of discussion. Today, for many, it seems impossible to frame the concept of a pleasant and fulfilling existence.

It is a violation of common sense and an abrogation of the human ability to understand the truth to say a problem does not have a solution. For a problem to occur, certain things, almost utterly unique to the situation, must go wrong. To prevent the problem, simply keep those things from going wrong. Again, an unpretentious and simplistic recommendation, as opposed to the relentless opines of “a complicated situation” peddled by the crooks who want an easy excuse for not stopping the misery they want to perpetuate.

And, for those quislings who will try to promote the widespread consensus of reality being a depressive and hopeless affair by "arguing" that some things can't be kept from going wrong, be reminded that a plethora of unresolved miseries now plaguing world civilizations didn't assault them fifty or more years ago.

Every “unsolved problem” represents a recommendation not made, an observation not shared, a truth not uttered. Words unsaid. And the collected open wounds on mankind stand for a chorus of realities kept from the waiting populace.

The people will ask themselves perpetually, why is it that the electorate is so completely incapable of choosing the right one of a selection of candidates? Nixon collaborating with crooks to keep himself in power. Carter foisting a gutter level gang of trash onto the people. Reagan conspiring against the unions and consorting with terrorists in Central America. George H.W. Bush launching the “war” that didn’t have to be. Clinton turning the White House into a whorehouse and presiding over the longest string of unsolved deaths of any other president. And George W. Bush. Why, the people will ask, can’t the voting public ever choose the right man, why have they only been able to choose losers? Washington will assure you that it’s not because every politician is a crook and government is the largest white-collar crime ring on the planet. You will be ordered to believe it is because the public just can’t be trusted with putting the right man in the White House!

For that matter, why can’t the public show sense with their spending habits? Everyone from Glenn Beck to George W. Bush is telling us that it was the consumers’ poor spending habits which caused all the financial catastrophes we are suffering. If the people didn’t drive so much, the price of oil wouldn’t go up. It has nothing to do with Middle East antipathy toward covert CIA and Mossad destabilization programs there. If people were more intelligent taking out loans, the current credit collapse would never have occurred. It wasn’t as if loan directors nudged borrowers with bad credit on with promises of the “American dream” and assurances that “the system is too stable to suffer” if they took out an unsecured loan. Remember, it was the people who pressured the loan officers to provide those loans, and the loan officers simply couldn’t say “no”! And as the CEO’s of the car companies delight in reminding people, how dare the auto workers demand that the money they earn be put toward insurance and a pension! Don’t the workers know that the bosses, who do nothing all day, have the right to every penny the workers make?

And, for their own part, why can’t the children learn? The fault for plummeting abilities and test scores can’t be the educational system! Hundreds of billions of dollars, closing in on a trillion dollars, from taxes, lotteries and contributors, flood the system every year! Every year, “educators”, with dozens of initials after their names, introduce a new “theory of learning” and alter school district programs to reflect their claims. Montessori, “relevance”, self-esteem, awards for just participating, students teaching themselves, whole language, LATIC. And the average public school has 194 “administrators”, each earning upwards of $175,000 a year. How can they go wrong with that? And every classroom has a computer for every student, loaded full of the latest games pretending to be “educational”, along with a recording of Billy Joel’s “We Didn’t Start The Fire”, which was awarded and NEA award for providing the most disjointedly useless encapsulation of half a century of history in three minutes time. Isn’t that the key to knowledge? It can’t be. of course, that the “education system” is just a swindle, with crooks cutting in local school district boards for the massive expenses of implementing new policies and programs, then doctoring the records to make it look like it was succeeding, then inventing a new “theory” when the scam starts to fall apart. There are those who will say that Bush’s “No Child Left Behind” program, which punished teachers if the “theory” they used didn’t work, encouraged the teachers to doctor grades and so passed the buck, protecting those who invented the “theories”, but that would mean that Bush was a craven, corrupt manipulator. And, remember, we are ordered to believe he was the kindest, finest, most honorable, most truthful, most decent human who ever lived!

What did Barack Obama do to deserve being elected president? He was selected to give the keynote speech at the 2004 presidential convention even though he hadn’t initiated any important legislation and hadn’t even voted on any significant measures. A plurality of Illinois residents didn’t even know his name, much less the rest of the country! And, while many of the public were still fumbling with his name, he was credited with soaring into prominence with “rock star status”. He never showed any initiative or promoted any particular approach to dealing with the problems of the nation yet, while still a junior Senator, he was suddenly chosen as “the only one to lead the country” and dutifully voted in by an electorate facing the avalanche of a collapsing economy. We are ordered to think that he was somehow “touched by fate” and “blessed by a unique and unrepeatable innate capacity to handle the challenge”. We are ordered not to think that his “fame” was completely engineered by the cabal of the Democrats and Republicans, playing upon the witless gullibility of the majority of the people, who not only think they have confidence in Obama even though they still can’t spell his name, but who also actually believe it’s their votes that placed him in office! We are certainly demanded not to think his only purpose was to perpetuate the Bush agenda while giving it the gloss of Democratic Party intent!

And why can’t the U.S. get other nations to love us? We’ve done everything necessary, from installing propped up dictators, “friendly to ‘American interests’”; to infiltrating the nations with CIA forces to destabilize and, topple legitimate governments; to bribing or extorting members of the UN to keep their mouths shut; to starting phony “wars”, intent on enslaving local populations. The U.S. or its proxies are marauding across half the globe, telling local populations to shut up and work or die. And isn’t that the only way to make someone love you, by threatening to kill them if they don’t?

And why can’t the Jews get the Palestinians to love them? All they did was take the Palestinians’ land, pen them up in areas that make American Indian reservations look like paradises, established siege systems that restricted the flow of needed goods and prevented growth of profit, then bought up all the media venues to broadcast the message that Arabs are lower than animals! What’s wrong with that? How dare the Palestinians seek to get their land and their dignity back? It was okay for Joe Horn to shoot two men he saw stealing his neighbor’s property, but where do the Palestinians get the idea they have the right to try to get their own property back? After all, Horn’s case was the embodiment of ruthless American bloodlust while Palestinian desire to regain their land represents the people there fighting for their rights. And that, of course, has been off limits since the days of Reagan.

Every unending problem is another instance of things unsaid. The answer to every problem resides in that vast ocean of previously unexpressed sentiments and concepts. The things they, yes, they, tell you are foolish to say, things they tell you it’s impolite to say, things they threaten you if you say. Just notice how often individuals lately try to quell a comment by saying it’s “offensive”, but they never once will say it’s untrue! Just being something someone doesn’t want you to hear, these days, is supposed to be reason for you not to hear it! The truth is always there to see, but there are those ordering you not to be aware! The words they will not say, the things they order you not to say, the ideas they forbid you to think will frame the answers to the suffering they don’t want you to escape!

If you wish to better the disaster area the world has been made, you must be willing to entertain the words hitherto unsaid. And it is your obligation to better the disaster area the world has become.

Julian Penrod